I have finally got round to sorting out a five year accumulation of odd vols. The most common are odd volumes of Churchill's 'magisterial' The Second World War (Cassell 1948 to 1954 6 vols) followed closely by odd volumes of Proust's 'incomparable roman fleuve' the 12 volume Remembrance of Things Past (A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu). Odd bedfellows. Churchill and Proust--the undisputed odd volume kings. Would they have got on? Proust had served in the 76th Regiment of French Infantry (see Powell's 'Proust as Soldier' in Weidenfeld's centenary volume) and was interested in military tactics, so there was some common ground. Somewhere on the web someone claims that WSC never read Proust ('the wrong kind of eloquence') and it is doubtful Marcel ever ploughed through The River War or even Churchill's only novel Savrola. Pic left of Proust in uniform--not exactly Audie Murphy.
Third in line used to be Toynbee's 12 volume Study of History but it is now of so little value that attempts to make a set are futile -odd vols get recycled, tossed or put in the £1 bin. This does not stop the entrepreneurial Bookbarn demanding £99 for an ex-library reprint of the ninth volume. There are a 1000 odd vols on ABE. Across the pond I am told that fellow dealers have to sort out sets of Lincoln and the Papers of John Adams. With Churchills WW2 there is a predictably logical process in their relative rarity. We have 210

As for Marcel, I have 180 odds and made just 4 decent sets. The vast majority are the Philippe Jullian illustrated Chatto edition from 1957 onwards (£60 to £150), then there is the atractive smaller ink blue Phoenix Library edition Traveller's Library (1929 onwards) and the original Chatto / Knopf edition from 1922 onwards, often seen in limited edition. The complete 11 vol set can get into 4 figures (just) but the number punters wishing to pay that sum is unknowable. The newer Kilmartin translation is easily found in 3 fat vols but the 2002 Lydia Davis translation 3200+ pages in six vols is oddly elusive. We sold a copy last year at £150 within seconds of uploading. C.K. Scott Moncrieff's translation still finds favour and other early works by him are also much sought after...
Have found this odd out-of-series Pooh book on the internet Nigel - wonder how much it costs?
Worked in the early 70's for a dealer who had two volumes of Frankenstein, lovely copies in original boards (quarter cloth). Even back then, an annoying thing to think about.
Which reminds me that somewhere I have equally nice copies, original cloth (ex-circulating library), of vols II & III of The Bostonians, acquired around that time, if anyone has volume I & is interested in going in on their sale.
Trouble with odd vols especially 3 deckers is that they dont necesssrily match and sorely try the binder's art but good luck with Bostonians.
In re Pooh Edwin that is one strange story--the drawing style is like a found album from the 1920s. Christopher Robin would run a mile (with Alice)
Doubt Vol I will ever show up, Bookride, but thanks for the thought. There were, as I remember, only 500 copies to start with.
What about those big red volumes on the Great War,published circa 1922,i find a full set is actually worth less than odd volumes,as a new bookshelf needed to house them.
Beloved by house clearance dealers everywhere,as a really nice book !
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