Robert Penn Warren. ALL THE KING'S MEN. Harcourt, Brace, NY 1946.
Current Selling Prices
$2500+ / £1300+
Novel by a poet loosely based on life of demagogue Huey "Kingfish" Long of Louisiana. Started out an idealist from the back country, rose rapidly, became corrupt, ended badly. RPW won a Pulitzer for it in 1947, it was filmed to some acclaim with bulky Broderick Crawford as the governor - here called Willie Stark. D/w must have a statement from Sinclair Lewis to be right, it was removed from all reprints.
VALUE? A book that

Ahearn rated it at $6000 in 2001 - only signed association copies can now scale such a price. The signed 2 vol LEC edition from 1989, gets about $500 - $600. It is illustrated with ten photogravures by Hank O'Neal made from the original negatives by Jon Goodman. Being a totally Americanocentric work no one really cares about the UK Eyre and Spottiswoode 1948 first. There is even a point on it (jacket must be blue and white) but a sharp copy is worth about a tenth of the USA ed. Penn Warren did a book with lenser Walker Evans in 1971 'Portfolio' in 100 signed copies that goes for $30000 - that's the one you want. [ W/Q ** ]
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