Helen Bannerman. LITTLE BLACK SAMBO. Grant Richards, London, 1899.
Current Selling Prices
$8500-$13000 £4000-£6500 Want level 75 - 100 Very High
The fourth Dumpy book. Dumpy books were still going until recently but this is by far the most valuable. Only 500 were printed. Written during the author’s journey to India. Her intention was to present the tale and its charming pictures to her children, who had remained at a Hill Station while she travelled with her husband- an army doctor. It was an immediate hit with them and a friend took it the next year to Grant Richards who bought the copyright for £5, something of a bargain. Its success is partly due to the attractive and innovative format, and also its vivid no nonsense 27 colour illustrations. Although often accused of racism ( the title doesn't help) it was something of a break from former stories featuring black children in that it portrayed the character as clever and resourceful rather than an impassive simpleton as so often before. Endless editions have appeared with different illustrators, moveables, pop ups, cut outs, miniatures, parodies and paint by number jobs.
VALUE? Fairly vulnerable little book with Victorian gutta percha binding so that the spine often needs replacing or strengthening. Also it tends to have been read, handled and chucked about by young children, who along along with 'fire, water, librarians and servants' must be numbered among the enemies of books. Fine copies are highly prized, 2 decent copies on ABE in late

Print run was 6000 not 500, see Barton's Pictus Orbis Sambo 1898
Thankee. I got this 500 from a distinguished bookseller's catalogue, he obviously hadn't read Miss Barton's Bib -Barton, Phyllis. Pictus Orbis Sambo: A Publishing History, Checklist and Price Guide. Pictus Orbis Press, (1999). The 6000 run makes Schiller's assertion seem odd.
hello,could you help me if possible? 1954 reprint chatto and windus with dust jacket price 4/- a little bit wonky but intact, a small cut of the corner on back jacket fly leaf but no information missing no ISBN number.
I also have Little Black Mingo 1978 chatto and windus no d/j isbn 701100257
Little Black Quibba 1973 isbn 0701100273 intact but paper peeled from spine.
Would these books have a worth because of the high demand of the originals, these books are also attractive in their own right.
Many thanks if you can supply some information re these books
check abebooks.com but I suspect these are of very modest value, sorry
I have the same book as in the photo except it is a Fifth Edition, printed in 1901. In excellent condition, no tears on cover. What is the value of this?
there will be a first edition for sale at tooveys auction on may 18th 2010.
I have Helen Bannerman Little Black Sambo Book. It was given as a gift to a relative in 1914. Fredrick A Stokes Company Publishers. It is interesting than many of the pages are blank. It appears to be designed that way.
How would I go about finding its value?
please email me mcin777@aol.com
i have a black sambo painting from 1923. it was painted by an L. Baker and i was wondering the value. please contact me at travelingrose@sbcglobal.net
I have a small Little Black Sambo book. It measure 2-1/2" X 3" No author or date. Has black boy on front carry a umbrella over his right shoulder and is walking on beach with palm tree in back ground.
Cant find any info on the internet.
Your help would be much appreciated.
Regards JD
I have a small The Story of Little Black Sambo book 3"x 4" that says the only authorized American addition. It's red with a tiger and umbrella on the cover no date found. published by Lipponcott
Thanks for any info,
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