J. K. Rowling. HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Bloomsbury, London 1997. ISBN 0747532699
Current Selling Prices
$20000+ / £10000+
SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM (Blue bit) for how to value a copy.
A publishing wonder and a book that made reading books OK again amongst kids. For that reason alone JK is a Goddess. Hallowed be her name. It also made her about ten times richer than Madonna. Madonna retaliated by writing her own forgettable children's books. The whole Potter collecting euphoria took off around one trendy Brit dealer on ebay who had sagaciously stockpiled a few boxes of Rowling and a fat packet of genuine Rowling signed Bloomsbury bookplates and started achieving startling results just post millennium. When a Philosopher's Stone hit $15K+, everybody piled in to buy, sell and bid. Issued in illustrated laminated boards and it has no d/w, states first edition and must have 10987654321 on verso of title. Publisher has stated that only 500 were printed and many of those went to libraries, so it is always going to be a difficult book to find and will be collected until Kingdom Come.
I was offered a signed copy of this a few years ago and negotiated a fattish sum for it; however the deal fell through when the sellers father bought the book - to keep it in the family. Kind of frustrating. The chap selling used the money for a deposit on a flat. He had worked in a new bookshop. It turned out many copies of this book came from bookshop workers who had kept copies seeing the incipient phenomenom at first hand. One wily dealer even started advertising for the book in 'The Bookseller' - the organ of the new book trade. Another tiresome one was a jolly chap with a host of signed copies presented to him. He wanted to buy a house with the money. Have you seen house prices recently in this benighted island?
VALUE? Once the book started to get established 5 figure sterling results up market dealers began dealing the book and it appeared at book fairs on the same shelf as firsts of Utopia and Moby Dick. A dealer in LA bought a copy for £18000 in auction 2003, possibly for some star's offspring and in 2004 a copy made nearly £19000 at Bloomsbury Auctions. It hasn't really gone on at all since then and may have flatlined, or even dropped a few percentage points. However every time a new HP appears prices tend to perk up. The US edition ('Sorcerer's Stone') can fetch about $1500 or more (correct number line on copyright page of "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 8 9/9 0/0 01 02," followed by "Printed in the U.S.A.23" and "First American edition, October 1998", the cloth binding has purple diamond embossed boards and a red spine, "Harry Potter" appears in raised gold lettering on the front panel of jacket; jacket has price of $16.95 on upper corner of the front flap; the numbers "51695" are found above the smaller barcode to the right side.) The first UK paperback is a nice thing to find - with dealers asking £2K+. It is exactly the same as the first hardback just bound up with paper covers. I need hardly add the caveat, don't buy signed Rowlings without provenance (a badly printed certificate of authentication is no good) fakes abound. (Jan/07) [ W/Q *** ]
STOP PRESS. Bloomsbury, the great book auction house in Mayfair just had a bit of a result with a classy signed Rowling -- I quote their publicity release:-
Bloomsbury Auctions set another world record
At the sale on the 24 May 2007, Bloomsbury Auctions set another record with a signed first edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Intense bidding in the room and on the telephone pushed the final price to a staggering £27,370 (inc. premium).
The lucky recipient was a private overseas buyer who has obtained a unique presentation copy inscribed 'To David - with best wishes JK Rowling' with the 1 on the number line circled with an additional identification indicating 1st Edition. This was a fantastic result for Bloomsbury and shows that the popularity of the young wizard continues.
More 2007 Results. I can find 3 copies in this sad year of the last Rowling/ Potter- in chronological order at Bloomsbury in April a copy described thus- "... first edition , very light minor browning to the extreme margins, no inscriptions, original boards, very slightly cocked, slightly bumped at upper corners and spine ends, small abrasions to corners near head of spine, light abrading to the thin surface laminate at fore-edge of lower cover, otherwise a very good copy..." made £12495
At Dominic Winter a copy described thus "...a few leaves faintly creased to top outer corner, ms. ownership name to front free endpaper, orig. pictorial boards, sl. rubbed at corners and spine ends..." made £8460
At Bonham's a copy described thus -"... first edition, ownership label inside upper cover, publisher's pictorial boards, slightly rubbed at extremities..." made £9000.
Go figure, but bear in mind these are not books many people are sitting on -every major Children's sale has one. On the other hand there are a finite number out there, condition is king and hope spring's eternal. As for finding one remember the words of Cadillac Jack 'anything can be anywhere' - one turned up at a little bookshop attached to a stately home. Because it was a hardback it was a £1.
Caveat Emptor! AUSTRALIAN FIRST EDITIONS ARE OF MODEST VALUE AND QUITE COMMON. If Australia is mentioned on back of title page as place of printing do not book a holiday in the Bahamas! Canada is also bad news.American editions are worth significantly less than UK ones.CHECK ABEBOOKS.COM
Last thing--you have to have 10987654321 to get lift off with this book and the date 1997 and no later date, a dust jacket is impossible because it didn't have one and don't neglect first edition 10987654321 paperbacks from 1997 - they too are valuable.
For Current Values - CHECK ABEBOOKS.COM All questions are answered there -type Rowling in the author field, type Stone in the title field, type Bloomsbury in publisher field, then choose highest price, hit search and from the results work down from there. The prices at the very top are generally excessive, over the top and way too much.
Generally speaking anything after a fourth edition is very mediocre, fourth and third are modestly worthwhile and occasionally some punter on ebay pays too much for one but you need 10987654321 or at least 1098765432 and it must be 1997 and not Australian or Canadian. See also all the comments below which answer every edition question in the known universe.
1 – 200 of 537 Newer› Newest»my harry potter and the philosopher's stone book has the code ISBN 0 7475 3269 9 and the code at the bottom of the page is just the number 30. Also tha man on the back is young and has short brown hair. It also says that Harry Potter was saved by an owl. How much aproximately is this worth?
The 30 is not good at all, indicating a late reprint by which time JK was rolling in it. Value possibly in single figure, condolences. N
I have a hardback copy of the Philosophers stone. It is a 5th print by Bloomsbury. i.e. has the line 1098765. Can you please tell me how much it is worth?
Not good news being a fifth but might work on ebay to a neophyte collector, check bookfinder.com to see what others charge and halve the lowest price to find possible cash value. Good luck and good to hear from thee. N
My Harry Potter and the Philosiphers Stone book has the man with short brown hair (thought to represent Nichlolas Flammel) on the back and it also says that Harry is rescued by an owl in the blurb. The ISBN number of this paperback is : 0747532745 and at the bottom of the page it has the line of numbers: 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 I wonder if you could tell me wether this is one of the first editions and also wether what the value it would be? kindest reguards, H.
32nd edition sorry v low value indeed. N
I know this is for The Philosophers Stone, but i have a first edition hard book Order of The Pheonix book. Any idea of how much it is worth? thanks.
The Order of the Phoenix -- you can buy decent firsts of the UK or US at abebooks.com for less than £10 or $20-- a careful shopper might get both for that. These are true firsts in fab condition. Sorry it's not more-- JK was world famous by then--you need to go bak to the 20th century for the good ones! Cheers/ N
First print run was 6000 copies in paperback, the hardback is the second issue bound up from sheets of the paperback
I was wondering if you could please value my Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone hardback book?
Bloomsbury - not Ted Smart Large Print etc
1997 hardback
Fairly good however it does have a couple of nicks from the base and a name written on the inside cover. Otherwise it is clean with fairly un-yellowed pages.
It is a 4th edition 10987654.
Unfortunatly no signiture.
You don't mention a jacket, you sort of need that with it and in nice nick people ask (but seldom get) a few hundred quids,without it is not an easy sale - it might work on an off day on ebay but basically it is of very modest value and with nicks and a name (not a signature) you couldn't buy a bicycle but maybe the pump and a repair kit. Nigel
However DO check prices on abebooks.com however and you can drive yourself barmy with a young wizard asking £950 there for a fourth--a price he may get when the moon is blue and hell has frozen over...
I have a copy of the Chamber of Secrets with the number line 10987654321. It s a hardback edition by bloomsbury, not Ted Smart etc.
It is in very good condition with some mino corner bending. Other than that it is a clean copy.
Could you please give me an idea of its value?
http://www.bookride.com/2007/04/jk-rowling-harry-potter-and-chamber-of.html deals with this
You need a jacket too (and a very nice one) but the number line is good, you have quite a prize. Good luck -- Nigel
Just thought i would let you know that i managed to sell my Harry Potter book, (the 4th edition one i contacted you about a little while back) on eBay for £110. Not quite the £950 but still quite a price considering i only bought it for £5!!
Re 4th ed--Brilliant! I am happy for you, given condition that is a real result. Well done...N
I have just unearthed my old set of Harry Potter books after hearing about the one above selling for nearly £30000. One i looked inside each book i nearly had a heart attack. Each of the first four books has the number line 1098764321 or the words First edition. Unfortunatly on closer inspection i realised these were the deluxe editions which i believe are fairly unvaluable. Am i right in thinking this? Each book is brand new and unread and the 3rd book states Joanne Rowling which i believe is an error. Could you please tell me whether i am write in thinking these are not very valuable or have i just uncovered a my retirement fund?
Check abebooks.com or this blog at Chamber of Secrets to get the lowdown on the de luxes, they are pricy but worth about a thirtith or less of a Signed presentation from the author of the first book.
I have what I think are first editions of the Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets; the numbers/laminated boards/dust jackets indicate towards beign first editions. Can you advise where they might be sold?
If they are UK eds with all the 10987654321 points and not de luxe editions please email address on blog page (or below)-- we buy and sell books, in fact come to think of it that's how I make my living... charingx@anyamountofbooks.com
I have a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with the following numbers printed above "Printed in the USA 37": 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 and 9/9 0/0 01 02. It also says "First American edition, October 1998". It does have the purple cover with raised diamonds and red binding. Can you tell me approximately how much it is worth? Please email me at tathompson29@hotmail.com
I have a first edition matching the numbers you listed, bar code number, etc. It is signed by JK Rowling--done at a Denver, Colorado bookstore, although I have nothing to prove that. Of course, I didn't know what I had (I didn't even realize it was signed when I first brought it home) so it has my name written in it and a bit of water damage on the spine and jacket (the color on the spine bled to the inside of the jacket along one edge), but is otherwise in very good shape.
First off--how would I authenticate the signature? Second question of course--value?
I imagine this is the US ed and the signature without authentication is problematic, also damp staining is not brilliant but you have something -- check prices at abebooks.com
Wondering if you can help value my Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone book. Publishing and copyright dates are both 1997, 6th print. Its a paperback with the price in pounds. Ps it was lamenated and is in excellent condition. What do you think?
ive got a hard back one with the isbn 0 7475 3269 9. its got a paper cover unfortunately a name in the front but it counts down from 10 to 1. is this worth anything.
6th printing guy--not very much, sorry
secondly immediately above how does a hardback have a papercover unless you mean a jacket in which case you may have the Australian (look for 'Printed in Australia) in which case it's right but quite common -- again check abebooks.com
yeah your right it is an australian copy with a paper sleeve. so it isnt worth much?
I am trying to find out if my copy of the Sorcerer's Stone is a first edition.
copyright page numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 8 9/9 0/0 01 02
Printed: in the U.S.A. 23
First American Edition, October 1998
Spine: top reads J.K.
Bottom has a little house with no number inside
Hard cover is purple/red with diamond shapes
Back of book jacket: top reads: "Harry Potter
could assume the same near-legendary status as
Roald Dahl's Charlie, of chocolate factory fame."
- The Guardian, London
Lower left corner on back jacket: cream colored bar code with 51695 above small bar code
Front of book jacket: all gold lettering is raised
price is clipped off the inside corner
Is this a first edition?
Here are all of the first issue points: both the spine of the book and the spine of the dust jacket list "J.K. Rowling"; the review on the back of the dust jacket is by The Guardian; it has the correct number line on the copyright page ("1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 8 9/9 0/0 01 02"), followed by "Printed in the U.S.A. 23" and "First American edition, October 1998"; the binding has purple diamond embossed boards and red spine cloth; "Harry Potter" appears in raised gold lettering on the front panel of the dust jacket; the dust jacket has price is $16.95 (on upper corner of the front flap); the barcodes on the rear panel of the dust jacket have a white background, and the numbers "51695" are present above the smaller barcode. You have it and should get $1000 or a bit more if it is a sharp copy and the jacket is blameless...
In March 1998 my daughter's school hosted J K Rowling for the day, my daughter came home with the H P & the Philosopher's Stone £4.99 paperback inscribed
To Hannah
(a palindrome is a word that reads the same way backwards as forwards)
J. K. Rowling"
ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 paperback, with the number at the bottom of the page being 10.
Should I place the book in a protected place instead of resting cosily on her bookshelf with all of her other books?
Rather a good inscription and great provenance--it is a pity it in a 10th edition paperback but if it is in nice condition I could see it making nearly a thousand of your English pounds on a good day- so you might move it to the glass cabinet or desk drawer! Here's my favourite palindrome 'Madam I'm Adam' or the indignant 'Sums are not set as a test on Erasmus!'...N
I am trying to work out what edition my hardback book of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is and what it may be worth.
The copyright page has the following:
Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997
Copyright Cover illustration Thomas Taylor 1997
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
ISBN 0-7475-3269-9
Has price of 10.99 pounds on dust cover.
Thanks very much
No good --it's the 12th edition, take £10 for it and lose 99p or put it on ebay where it might go for a little more..to a muggle punter. Sorry
just wanted to see what my copy of Harry Potter was worth
The copyright page has the following:
Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997
Copyright Cover illustration Thomas Taylor 1997
ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 Paperback
Printed and bound in Australia by
Australian Print Group, Maryborough, Vic
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
I'm thinking probably not much because its printed in Australia and not in Great Britain
sorry very very little value
How much is a "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" with the young wizard and the number line10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 worth?
ISNB 1 85613 43 2
Copyright Text Joanne Rowling
Printed in 1998 for the book people
Do you know where it is possible to buy harry potter dust jackets.I have several first editions in good condoition but the dust jackets aren't in such good condition.
I desperately need some advice please. I am being offered a HP and the Phiosophers Stone, 1st edition 1st print with numbers 10---1. It has been specially bound by Chelsea Bindery in a beautiful leather jacket. The person selling it claims its one of the first 500, however because it has lost its original cover i belive it is indistinguishable from the paper back which was a 6000 print.
It is in mint condition with a JK Rowling signiture which has been properley authenticated.
He is asking several thousand (£5000) pounds and if i go for it i am viewing it as an investment. Am i paying about the right money for this?
Hi there,
I bought a copy of The Philosophers stone - it is a 1st edition 2nd printing printed in Australia, and i paid about US$200. The numbers in the front are 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2. To my disapointment when i got it it had ads in the back for books 1-4. It also says Joanne Rowling in the front of the book. How much is this worth??? Thankyou!
HI, I have a first edition Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone with the correct isbn and numbers etc. It states hat it was printed and bound in Australia and came in a boxed set with a first edition Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Both books have their dust jackets and are in good condition (though they have been read several times over). I have looked on the sight previously recommended but can't find reference to the Australian printed editions. I am guessing they don't have the value of the UK versions. Can you help with some clarification?
Answers to 3 above questions
1. D/ws cannot be ordered like spare parts, you might trty ebay but you'd prob have to buy the book too or a facsimile
2. Not much cos its the 2nd OZ edition, sorry mate!
3. . Seems too cos its an OZ edition which are very common. Leather bound is going to be hard to resale, bit of an 'I saw you coming' price...
Note to self, must try and profit from this...
+++Leather bound £5K ed--no idea --sounds about right but you are right if rebound it cd be the paperback and that will always hang over it like smog on Pasadena--my advice/if in doubt/ leave it out
Lastly leather bound classics are often bought as gifts or inducements or rewards but less commonly for oneself. If £5K is peanuts to you buy it, if you had to work more than 2 weeks to make it don't...
How much is a "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" with the young wizard and the number line10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 worth?
ISNB 1 85613 43 2
Copyright Text Joanne Rowling
Printed in 1998 for the book people
Any idea what the anticipated value of the provenanced 'Moonlight Signing Event' Deathly Hallows books will be worth in years to come? These are the halogramed copies signed by JK Rowling with the 'goody bags'. Thanks!
Answer to lucky chap above--they seem to go for a minimum of £1000 now on ebay (sometimes £2000) but 1700 people were there at the Science Museum...presumably all got a signed book from the beautiful billionairess so the book isn't going to be truly scarce. However it should go up gradually and ineluctably so, if you can, hold on! On the other hand the book is very hot right now and prices may be at a high they don't get to again for eons. Hard thing to judge! N
Hi, I have a first edition second print Harry Potter and The Philosophers stone, first edition first print Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, first edition first print Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, first edition first print Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix and a first edition first print Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Any idea how much these are worth
The information is freely available at sites such as abebooks.com, bookfinder.com and addall.com -- just put in author and title and choose highest price and work down from that to the lowest price - the book similar to yours is the selling value at present & half that is what you might get if you sold it to a trader or on ebay...you want UK editions if possible. Your 'Hallows is worth what you paid for it and a bit less...bit early for that one!
hi i have a copy of the philosophers stone with the code ISBN 0747558191. could you tell what edition it is and how much its worth
It's a reprint paperback, regrets-- first has to have 10987654321 ---dream forward...
hi i have a copy of the philosopher's stone with the code 0747532745 . could you tell if it is the first edition and what it costs ?
10987654321 is what you need, you have the ISBN there-- see the guy's notes above they are gospel--it is either the Australian one or a paperback --if its the paperback you need 10987654321 to be a first, for every edition they lift off the last number. E G G
I have a copy of the Philosophers Stone which has the correct prnt run of 10987654321. It is hardback with dustjacket. However the qote on the dustjacket is different to the book so it may be from a different book. It has the quote from Wendy Cooling on the front and looks identical to the above book. It is signed with a dedication by J.K. and is also signed by Thomas Taylor, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. It is in mint unread condition and has only been opened for the signings.
I am aware that this is of considerable value but i am not sure how much exactly. Could you give me some idea?
Quite a lot --actors and illustrators don't add that much but they do help--sounds like an Australian edition however--any mention of Australia on the back of the title page? D/w is weird cos UK didnt have one. A few thousand about 15-20% of what it might be if it was published in Pommy land. See caveat above. Memo to self - must start charging. N
Doesn't mention anything about Australia. The book has the quote by Wendy Cooling whilst the dustjacket says Winner of the Smarties Gold Award, so i think that may have been taken from another edition. It says printed in Great Britain by Clays etc etc
Sounds like a supplied jacket --that is a later jacket. Book sounds right. Please email us (address above) if you wish.
Hi. I purchaced a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on Midnight of the day it came out. it says first edition.
barcode 9780747591061
ISBN 9780747591061
like i said. At the bottom of the page it says First Edition.
UK Adult Version. Dustcover too.
Any idea how much this is worth? or just the bog standerd price?
Your 'Hallows is worth what you paid for it and a bit less...bit early for that one!
I have a copy of the Philosophers Stone in paperback. It is a second edition with the print line 1098765432. It is a true bloomsbury with the quote by Wendy Cooling on the base of the cover. Unfortunatly it has been well read and the cover has quite a few creases in. There is also a name written on the inside front cover.
Can you please tell me how much it is worth. I would think very little due to its condition but you never know!
Also could you please tell me, if you know, how many of the second print paperbacks were actually printed?
Sorry -- no idea, not vast--check bookfinder.com or abebooks.com, no idea how man printed prob quit a lot...
I have a signed copy of Chamber of secrets reading 'With love J K Rowling x' in decent condition.
ISBN 0 7475 3848 4
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
Typset by Dorchester Typesetting
40 39
It's a paperback. Any idea how much it would be worth roughly?
As above look on abebooks.com and click paperback and signed, without provenace it's less good--even so price of a new bicycle
I believe that I have a Bloomsbury, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 1st state/1st printing, ex-library copy. ISBN: 0 7475 3269 9. Number line: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. The boards are definitely worn. There are no tears or tape on the book. The cover is very worn on the spine and at the point where it connects to the boards, but it's certainly still colorful and legible and there are no missing pages. The library has stamped the book as withdrawn. I cannot find anything comparable at Abe Books, and I was wondering if you could comment on the estimated value of a true 1st/1st in worn condition. Thanks!
Try selling it to one of the people who lists high price potters on ABE or put it on Ebay. If its the true UK first someone might pay a few hundred or even a thousand pounds. Ex Library books are imho pretty nasty but someone who hasn't 'got' condition might go for it.
Donna--as I recally Bloomsbury Book Auctions have had good 4 fig results with ex lib Potter firsts try them in Madox St London
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
H/B large print/flat signed by J.K Rowling
isbn: 0-7475-5456-0
how much is it worth please
LARGE PRINT--goes for about a £100 if a first, signed might take up into the late hundreds if you could prove it was actually Jk who signed it...
Hi, I have every Australian hardcover first edition, first print run of the seven Harry Potter books. I also have most of the UK editions as well (except the first two of which I have second and third printings). They all have dust jackets and are in minty mint condition. How much am I looking at?
Please checkabebooks.com but not a fortune.
i have a 1st edition/ 3rd print Philosopher's Stone. i know its not 1st print but how much is it worth?
oh and my 3rd print has its dust jacket and its in very good condition
Sorry to keep adding comments but could you also tell me if my 3rd print Philodophers Stone is more valuble or a set of the first six American books all signed and in good condition
The 6 Americans signed are worth a whole lot more especially if the sigs are genuine (documentation is almost essential) but as always check Ebay and Abebooks there may be a madman charging a King's ransom for a third edition which is basically a reprint --third editions are unimpressive--'come and look at my collection of third editions' is not a grat chat up line...
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have the paperback of "Harry Potter and the philosper's stone".ON the bottom of the front cover it says " Winner of the 1997 smarties Gold Award" and the ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5.Also it has a string of numbers " 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43" It says "First published in Great Britain in 1997" . Could anyone tell me if it is worth anything?
Hi, I just ran across this thread and was wondering if anyone could estimate or could direct me to someone who would be able to, the value of a first edition (first printing) signed copy of the american release of Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone.
I was in 5th grade when our class went to meet J.K. Rowling in 1998... it was before anyone knew about her, and a bunch of us were directed to buy books ahead of time, and then she signed them for us there.
Any information would be great!
Above-- check ebay signed ones go through all the time, good item, hundreds of dollari
+ guy with 48 47 46 45 etc., it's all explained above--sorry matee it's worth 50p--remem=ber
you need 10987654321 then it's BINGO!!!!!
Hi I have a 5th printing, first edition Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone - UK edition paperback. It is in fair to good condition. I emailed abe books, they emailed back a listing for a 4th printing that is being sold for
950 pounds.
How can I find out what the print runs were for this printing? I have googled and googled. Any advice re selling it?
You dont need to know the print run. There rare decent copies of a second ed paperback at £250
check abebooks https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/SearchResults?an=rowling&bi=s&bx=off&ds=40&pn=bloomsbury&sortby=1&sts=t&tn=stone&x=93&y=7
Choose paperback and chosse highest price
ABE are irresponsible for winding you up, sorry you might get a few hundred dollars from some poor soul at ebay, mucho regretto muggleperson
Hi erm im pretty sure ive got one of these rare books .... its the philosophers stone with the young dumbeldore on the back it says winner of 1997 smarties award says hes saved by an owl on the blurb the isbn is 0747532699 its in good condition only minor squashing of the dust cover at the top and bottom ... "still cracks when opened" what is this worth please and what other checks can i make thanks oh yh and its hardback
So far it sounds good. However for it to be worth megabucks it needs to have the print run 10987654321 on the bottom of the copyright page. However as the first copies didnt have dustjackets and yours does it probably wont be that valuable.
Hope this helps
hi erm yh helpful thnx
well its print run is 20191817161514 and i guess that makes it bout 3rd edition can u confirm and how much dyu reckon it is worth
I have found this item on ebay:
170181252239 (just put the number into the searchbar). Are these books a worthwhile investment as i am really tempted to purchase them.
Can you give me some advice please?
Hi, I have what I'm sure is a first state US printing of Sorcerer's Stone, first ed. first printing. Because it has the Guardian blurb, does anybody know how much the book should be going for? I've seen prices around but they've been for the much less rare edition without the Guardian quote. Also anyone have an idea of where one could fetch the highest price for harry potter items?
Hi, just wondering how much an australian first edition of the philosophers stone is worth coz i know they r quite common
check vialibri or bookfiner but it aint much, sorry--oz editions are well common--mugwort
hey i have a copy of the TED SMART third edition i.e 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 in hard back with the jacket. It is in perfect condition it actually looks liek its never been read and also the copyright is issued to joanne rowling not J.K.Rowling.
How much do you think this would be worth?
Hello there!
My name is Claudia and I'm in search of information regarding appraising my J K Rowling Harry Potter book collection. I have acquired the following: 2 soft cover 1st print US Editions Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone books, all 1st prints UK Edition Books 1-7 Large Print Editions (Philosopher's Stone ISBN 0747554560) , 2 school books QUIDDITCH THROUGH THE AGES FANTASTIC BEASTS & WHERE TO FIND THEM 1st prints, 2 US Edition Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 1st prints, 2 US Edition Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1st print, 1 US Edition Deathly Hallows 1st print misprint, and 1 letter from J K Rowling office with her Personal Assistant, Fiddy Henderson's signature addressed to me acknowledging my letter to Ms Rowling and a J K Rowling signed bookplate (not a copy). Total of 16 1st print books in great condition! I would like to get information on how to appraise them and authenticate the signature because I would like to add it to the home insurance (just in case). What do you think the value estimate is in your opinion? Thank you for your assistance! From NEW YORK!
Please check bookfinder.com or http://used.addall.com/
The letter from Fiddy is of modest value but it authenticates the signed bookplate which is the best thing there, generally speaking you want UK editions for altitudinous prices...G'day. MW
i have first editions of the harry potter books from the prisoner of azkaban onwards. could you tell me how much these would be worth...if anything of substancial value? possibly the third one? isbn- 0747546290 and 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 written across the bottom.
i am assuming that after the thrid the first editions arnt worth much. the third is in ok condition- it has no rips and the corners are not rounded. it has been well read though. thanx for help nikki xxx
They have to be UK eds but they could be good-- esp 'Prisoner' check at bookfinder.com or http://used.addall.com/
Best regards -- Mugwort
The ISBN stays the same but the 10987654321 line loses a number on each reprint so 10987 is the seventh edition and generally almost of no value...you meed 10987654321 for lift off....
I am wondering if anyone knows if the leather bound US prints of the first two HP books are going to gain in value or how much they are worth. And how much they would be worth if signed. They are first editions.
They wiil gain in value unless you paid too much, no doubt about that. Check abebooks.com for current prices. Ogbog
Please could you value my Harry Potter paperback for me? I have Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It has no dust jacket and no leather bindings, just the original coloured board cover showing Harry Potter in front of the Hogwarts Express steam engine at Platform 9 3/4.
On the copyright page, it says first published 1997, then copyright 1997. ISBN number is 0 7475 3274 5. Further down the page, above the Bloomsbury website address, is the number 62. Many thanks.
"Further down the page, above the Bloomsbury website address, is the number 62. Many thanks..."
Velly sorry it's a 62nd edition and worth about 40 pence (80 cents) --- you need 10987654321 for a blast off!!!! TCB Booksellers
i wonder if you can help or point me in the right direction. Ive got an adult version 1st edition of the order of Pheonix however it is misprinted. Ive got the back of the book at the front and and therfore some of the beggining of the book missing. Ive got a letter from bloomsbury telling me to keep hold of it as it might be worth something in the future but i was wondering if you had any idea of its value? And if it does have some value where i could sell it?
Many thanks
Sorry -- these are known as printer's errors--collectors still avoid such books and regard them merely as defective, however they sometimes fool people on Ebay. This works with stamps but not, so far, with books...but try Ebay and report back with the result but I doubt it will be dramatic...N
I have a 1997 paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in mint condition. Triple Smarties Gold Award Winner on the cover. Copyright Joanne Rowling 1997. Cover illustration Thomas Taylor 1997. ISBN 0747532745; Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives Plc, 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53. Any idea if this is worth anything?
As the 53rd edition of the paperback Im afraid this is worth 'less than zero.' Sorry, baddish news. N
What would a 2nd edition "School Market Edition" paperback of Philospher's Stone be worth? (Published by Scholastic Canada, ISBN 0439988187)
^ Whoops, forgot to add that a young Dumbledore is depicted on the back cover (don't know if this makes a difference)
Could you please advise what I should have paid for my Harry Potter? Its the Philosopher's Stone - Ted Smart edition - printed boards, dust cover, print run 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. "This edition published for The Book People Limited 1998". Its mint condition, but I imagine its worth an awful lot less than I actually paid for it five years ago!!
Hi there
I have a Deluxe copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Print number 20 down to 13, Published by Bloomsbury in 1999 and the book has two ISBN numbers?
ISBN: 0 7475 4572 3
ISBN: 9780747545729
What is the reason for this ? and could you please tell me a bit more about this book and does it have any worth?
Thank you Lou
All the answers can be found by checking at abebooks.com but basically you have to have 10987654321 or at least 1098765432 to get any serious mumzabah, moolah, shekels or dosh...dont know about the Ted Smart but assume it is also fairly easily nailed at Abebooks.com...keep searching for the Grail aka Philosopher's Stone (UK 1997 10987654321 no jacket required...)
Good fortune to you on your merry quest!
I have a hardback copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone that was printed without the "Year 1" box on the spine of the book. Does this have any value or is it just a bizarre misprint?
If it is a printing mistake it does not make much difference to price unlike postage stamps but o/w I have no idea, sorry. N
Ok, i'm freaking out a bit here because yesterday I was looking in a charity shop and I came across a copy of Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone that had a different back cover. Anyway i've been reading up about it today and it seems that there were 500 copies printed with a different character on the back, I think it is Nicholas Flamel. Do you think it is worth me trying to see if I can get it tomorrow? I hope it is still there, I am kicking myself for not buying it yesterday! It is in mint condition, hardback and with the sleeve thing on to protect it!
Hi I'm Tash, I've just bought a paperback version of The Philosopher's Stone print run
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
with the younger wizard on the back for 79p in a charity shop. It's not in the best condition (there are some water marks to the edges a crease on the bottom corner of the front page and two people have written their names in it) but there is no damage to the actual pages, it is also missing the Hogwarts crest that the later copies have. can you tell me if this is worth anything and how much. i have looked on bookfinder and abe but there wasn't anything quite like this one
Hi Tash
Without seeing the book it is quite hard to gauge a value. If you send a couple of pictures to tunuot@hotmail.co.uk i would be happy to look at them for you.
I'm currently looking for the deluxe box for the seven books. I'm not interested in the books just the case to house them in. If anyone happens to have a spare one or know of one can you please let me know?
P.S. I'm not sure if i am allowed to advertise stuff on here but oh well: I am currently selling my rare collection of Harry Potter books on eBid if anyone is interested:
Hi i've got the Philosopher's Stone in hardback with the dust jacket and the print run
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
I assume its a 3rd edition but was wondering if its anywhere near valuable?
Also i have the chamber of secrets and the prisoner of akzkaban that are hardbacks and which both have the print line
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
which also i assume makes them second editions.
I've also got books 4 to 7 in first edition but i doubt they're worth much.
be great if any one could get back to me, thanks.
Hi, i have a Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone book that says
First published in Great Britain in 1997
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London W1V 5DF
Copyight@ Text Joanne Rowling 1997
Copyright @ Cover illustration Thomas Taylo 1997
The moral right of the author has been asserted A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 74753274 5 Paperback
0 7475 3269 9 Hardback
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
50 49
My dear fellow RTFM --you have the rare 48th edition wort about £1. Regrets.
Not sure if my last comment posted
I have a copy of The Order Of The Phoenix that says first edition and has the ISBN 0 7475 6940 1
Is it worth anything? Thanks.
Hi I have a friend that was wondering about their book, if you have any info for them they'd appreciate it. It is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, paperback not hardback. I don't think it has any value because I'm guessing by the bottom saying Canada it's worthless really. But this is what the inside title page looks like this
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher
First published in Great Britain in 1997
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London WIV 5DF
Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997
Copyright Cover illustration Thomas Tyler 1997
The moral right of the author has been asserted
A CIP catalouge record of this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 Paperback
0 7475 3269 9 Hardback
Printed and bound in Canada by Webcom
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Sorry Sarah --not alot for a colonial second ed but do check abebooks.com--I am not the pope. N
Aaron -v sorry Phoenix nbg. N
Hi, i have a Harry Potter Special Edition, Paperback, Philosophers Stone (gold trim, artwork set into the front cover) it is a first edition 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, is it worth anything?
I have a second print of the Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone Deluxe hardback 1098765432 how much is it worth? I also have first paperback of the chamber of secrets 10987654321 how much is this worth?
I have Harry potter and the Philosopher's stone, paperback with stars on the cover. It's got 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Is this worth anything???
Of the above 3 only the paperback might be a corker. Check if it's 1997 and published in UK. The special editions are nothing special and a second ed of a special is not too good. But check abebooks.com things might have changed-- and paperback person can email me if necessary...I hope it is right, fingers crossed...Nigel
I have a first edition UK paperback of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that has been signed by JKRowling. There is slight damage to the binding on the spine and the corners but apart from that is in pretty good condition.
How much would this be worth?
This is a very helpful website! The only first edition book I have is a paperback of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where the numbers count down from 10 - 1 on reverse of the cover. Bloomsbury publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London ISBN 0747546290. Price is £5.99 on the back and in surprisingly good condition! Any suggestions as to what to do with it (if it is in fact valuable) would be very much appreciated!
You have far more patience than I oh appraised one!!
What do you know of a First Edition (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) of the US version unsigned, also one signed? I'd really appreciate an email responce to gagewells@yahoo.com as well -- thanks!
choose highest price for good news and lowest price for bad, remember these guys have not sold their copies and some never will but a quick browse should answer all questions and put you in the picture. If selling expect half or less of prices for comparable items...N
Hi i know this is about the 1st book but i have a 1st edition hard back of the chamber of secrets how much would this be worth?
hi could you please value this. it is an audio book, harry potter and the philosophers stone, read by Stephen fry it is part of the 2000 limited edition set it is number 1968 the box is a little frayed but the inside is in pristine condition it also contains both J.K Rowling and Stephen fry signature (the signatures are part of the limited edition set )
Please check abebooks.com for all the above-- I haven't heard of the signed limited Fry Rowling set--are you sure the signatures are not in facsimile? Maybe some potterologist knows the answer....
Please check abebooks.com for all the above-- I haven't heard of the signed limited Fry Rowling set--are you sure the signatures are not in facsimile? Maybe some potterologist knows the answer....
Hi, I have a Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book with the IBSN 0747542155 and with misaligned print on page 13. I was wondering if this is one of the First editions?
It is an early edition.
I would be interested in purchsing it though
Contact me at tunuot@hotmail.co.uk
I've also got a Prisoner of Azkaban book. IBSN 0747542155 and the number line is 10987654321. It's hardcover and says first published in Great Britain, 1999.
Is this a first edition?... Or the same as the person who posted above?
If you send a picture of the copyright page
I would be happy to inform you of its edition.
mine is ISBN 0747532699
numbers underneath 26 27 28 29 30
can someone please tell me what it's worth
I have a Copy of The Sorcerer's Stone and Pages 185 to 216 are in the book twice. Is the book worth anything?
added to the above comment the isbn is 0590353403 and says First American Edition, October 1998
I have a Copy of the Philosophers stone back at home, definetely not first edition as it came in box set with the first 3 books, but it has a what I'm assuming to be a fairly large misprint, The Chapter order in the book is 5,6,7,8,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc.would this be worth anything of note? I checked abe books and didnt really see anything similar.
Misprints have never added to the values of books so far in fact they lower the value and have always been regarded as inferior and almost without value...
HOWEVER in the case of Harry Potter books some people on Ebay have bid them up and a few have made a few hundred bucks--whether they will be worth anything in the long run is another matter--I am guessing not, already too many are showing up and results have been lacklustre. Would appreciate evidence either way....
hi i was wondering if you could help me, i have been checking all my harry potter books and it appears my Prisoner of Azkaban has a number line of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 what does this mean? and how much would that be worth? its hardback and is in very good condition. Thanks, Faye
oh and in addition to this the ISBN is 07475542155. Faye
Hi, I have a 1997 Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone First edition paperback book. The ISBN is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Could anyone tell me what this is worth or where Icould possibly sell it. It is slightly confusing though with it being a paperback as I thought they didnt come in paperback. It is in very good condition - never been read. Please help!
Chloe that sounds like a good book, unless it's Australian or some unforeseen problem. Please email moi at charingx@anyamountofbooks.com -the overlord of this humble blog. Nigel
Hello I was wondering if somebody could help me please regarding the value of a book? I have an adult copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone published by Bloomsbury in 1998. Its says copyright Joanne Rowling inside (not sure if that's unusual) and the number line just says 10. I would be really greatful of any help as I've looked for ages to find some info but I'm no good with this stuff! Many thanks, Kerry
I have an American HC edition of HP&TSS that is slightly smaller thant he others in my collection, by about a half inch or so. Plus there's no "YEAR ONE" stamp on the spine.
What the hell?
A book signed by the author is quite a bit better than one signed on a bookplate...check abebooks.com for comparisons but about 40% less might reflect true value--check Ebay completed sales also. Cheers.
Above--dont know what this smaller ed is US firsts are not goldmines anyway so check abebooks etc.,
Above that --you hace a 10th edition worth about the cost of a grande mocha, regrets
i have a copy of a paperback philosopher's stone
it's ISBN number is 0-7475-3274-5 and it's signed
how much would this be worth?
adding on from last comment i also have the 2nd and 3rd (hardback) books signed as well. if i sold them together would this increase their value?
Hi I have a paperback Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone book which was bought in Australia and I'd like to know what edition it is. The ISBN is: 0 7475 3274 5 at the bottom of the page there are the numbers: 20 19 18 17 16 15 14. It says it is published in 1997 and printed and bound in Australia.
SORRY THE ABOVE HAS NO VALUE AT ALL. It's A paperback Australian 13th edition --possibly worth a dollar if fine.
PLEASE NOTE ALL ANSWERS CAN BE FOUND AT Sorry at bookfinder.com or http://used.addall.com/ or especially at abebooks.com
My Family has a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Deluxe Cloth First Edition, First Printing signed in gold on front cover. The thing with this book is that it comes in it's original cellophane wrapping and has never been opened, still has the original sticker on back of cellophane wrapping showing purchase price of £18GBP.
The Book has never been taken out of wrapping or even openend,condition is as new pristine, what sort of value would it have.
Thanks in advance
Hi there, I'm just trying to figure out if my Harry Potter book is worth anything. It was purchased in '97 I believe by my mother in a bookstore in england for me to read on the return flight to the states. It is Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, has the copyright text by Joanne Rowling 1997. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5. Number indicated at the bottom of the page is 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
One more note for the above comment... it is also "Printed and Bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd."
Above -not value much sorry --it's a 12th printing, might work on ebay for the price of a large pizza, above that the deluxe is not worth a king's ransom but goodish... You may find a copy at bookfinder.com or http://used.addall.com/
I have a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling. It was
published by Scholastic Inc.
ISBN: 0-439-36213-X
Library of Congress number 97-39059
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6/0
My question is: This copy's pages start at 1 and goes to 290. Then starts
back up at page 323 and goes to 354. Then goes back to page 323 and goes to
page 384. This copy is missing pages 291 to 322. Can you tell me if this book
has a worthy premium? This copy has not been read. It's Paperback and in
Excellent shape.
You can contact me at
Thanks Frenger--basically what you have is a defective book that should be tossed in the eco bin but occasionally on Ebay some crazy chaps pay decent sums for such deficient copies..try it and let us know the result! Good luck...
Thanks Frenger--basically what you have is a defective book that should be tossed in the eco bin but occasionally on Ebay some crazy chaps pay decent sums for such deficient copies..try it and let us know the result! Good luck...
Thanks Frenger--basically what you have is a defective book that should be tossed in the eco bin but occasionally on Ebay some crazy chaps pay decent sums for such deficient copies..try it and let us know the result! Good luck...
I have ISBN 0-7475-3274-5 on dustjacket and ISBN 0 7475 3269 9 in book.
'Smarties Gold Award Winner Ages 6-11 - 1997' sticker PRINTED onto both the dust jacket and the hardback cover.
Dust Jacket contains text "winner of the 1997 Snaties Gold Award", as well as reviews and acclaim quotes on the inside wings.
Cover contains quote "...this is a terrific book." The Sunday Telegraph
Print number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed 1997
Is it worth anything
Wendee--it should not have a d/w--is it the Ausrtalian ed?
Ok that one is worth nothing (Sigh). I also have green Harry Potter Prisoner Of Azkaban UK Deluxe 1st edition I think. Book says - This edition first published 1999 in great britain by bloomsbury. Copyright joanne rowling 1999. numbers 10 down to 1. Is it worth anything?
Not worth nothing Wendee but probably an Aussie first--meanwhile this green deluxe is quite desirable--Please email me (see page)
Hello, I have a copy of Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone in Mint Condition
The Numberline is 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 8 9/9 0/0 01 02 Printed in the U.S.A 23 First American Edition, October 1998
The Dust Jacket price is $16.95
The DJ ISBN: 0-590-35340-3 (and 51695 above barcode)
Quote on rear DJ referring to Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
No number on the book or DJ spine
Red Spine and purple checkered boards
Raised lettering on the Dj
The Book has a protective slip cover over the DJ
I was wondering if anyone could tell me its worth? Thanks!
Hello, can you please tell me about mine if you have time.
ISBN: 0-590-35340-3
numbers above barcode: 51795
Numbers/text on title page:
20 9/9 0/0 01 02
Printed in the U.S.A. 37
First American edition, October 1998
quote on back of dust jacket is from Publishers Weekly
Gold raised title of Harry Potter on front of dust jacket.
Thank you!
ISBN: 0 74753274 5
number line: 30 29 28 27 26
harry is also saved by own and young man on the back...
i have quite a few harry potter books i'm wondering about...
1. the first is a UK collectors edition (one with the gold paper edges) philosopher's stone, ISBN 0 7475 457 2 3 and Print number 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 which i think is 1st edition 4th printing? It's also signed by JK Rowling on the dedication page. I still have the golden ticket that I got when she visited perth and it's in very good if not excellent condition. Any idea what it's worth?
2. I also have a copy off the paperback version print number 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 but it's in poor condition and has a name written on the title page. i don't think it'll be worth anything...
3. there's also a first edition Goblet of Fire hardback again signed on the dedication page
any clues as to what they're worth?
Probably quite good --look at prices on ABE put on Ebay and you might expect about a third of the prices that you have found--still a useful sum.
Sorry -- not much idea. ABE Books has most of the answers. 10987654321 is a good start.
can you tell me anything about my copy of the philosophers stone it is a paper back has the brown haired wizard, no hogwarts crests on the inside, text by joanna rowling 1997 and on the back it said he was rescued by an owl and has printed by clays ltd st ives plc , 20 19 18 17 16 and has the 1997 smarties gold award winner on the front. isbn 0-7475-3274-5
I just obtained Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 1st print/1st edition FIRST STATE with Guardian Blurb and all, not a book club edition and I have coupled that with a signed bookplate and a letter from Fiddy (her PA) acknowledging receipt of the letter and how Ms Rowling is forwarding a signed bookplate. I have searched high and low and I cannot find such a combination in order to estimate value! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! :o(
I have the first three American harry potter books. All with the covers and are in good condition. All say first edition
Sorcerer's stone
ISBN 0-590-35340-3
35 34 33 32 31 9/9 0/0 01 02
chamber of secrets
ISBN 0-439-06486-4
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 9/9 0/0 1 2 3 4
prisoner of azkaban
ISBN 0-439-13653-0
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 9/9 0/0 1 2 3 4
Depends on the condition of your 1st Edition SS.
I've seen copies in poor condition sell between 250 and $600 on Ebay.
Very good to Fine copies can sell for $800-2500.
ALSO - Check your number line page to make sure you cannot see the diamond pattern from the backside of the page.
Fakes made from BCE pages have been rampant.
The Guardian jacket also came on 2nd printings, so I believe the first print BOOK to be more scarce than the Guardian jacket.
I left the comment on 14th Feb. I forgot to ask are they worth anything?
Unfortunately all your books are later printings and are worth retail price or less. The lowest number in the first (left side) row is the printing number.
At the moment only the first three printings of the Sorcerer's Stone are bringing serious money on Ebay.
was wondering how much my harry potter books are worth? i have 4 paperback all 1st print and 1st editions these are the philosophers stone, chamber of secrets, prisoner of azkaban and goblet of fire, they are also UK bloomsbury, all will print runs showing 10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,1
i believe to have some worth? can anyone help? or would any one be interested in buying them off me, i also have the collectors edition of beedles the bard and a prequel book to the potter series call a postcard collection, please if anyone can help mail me at xadsx2003@yahoo.co.uk
I have a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with Smarties 1997 Gold Award Winner sticker on the front.
First published in Great Britain in 1997
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London W1V 5DF
ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 Paperback
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
30 29 28 27
Can you tell me how much it is worth?
about £2.50 sorry --its the 26th edition you need 10987654321 for liftoff, bloke above however seems to have gold--check abebooks.com and divide lowest price by 2 or 3 and that's what you might get on Ebay if they are in Excellent condition.
about £2.50 sorry --its the 26th edition you need 10987654321 for liftoff, bloke above however seems to have gold--check abebooks.com and divide lowest price by 2 or 3 and that's what you might get on Ebay if they are in Excellent condition.
For anyone who is interested in the value, I just sold a TRUE 2nd UK hardcover in VG condition for $3,250.
Hi everyone! I am a collector of Philosopher's Stone and Sorcerer's Stone books. I am looking for a few more pieces for my collection. If you have anything of interest, please email me at eaglephot@aol.com. Thank you!
I left the comment February 11, 2009 7:34 PM. I forgot to ask is it worth anything
Hi there,
is my Harry Potter Philosophers stone hardback worth anything? Number sequence 20 19 18 17.
First edition, 1997.
Thanks for your time.
For the Feb 11th comment: It all depends on the condition. In VG condition the BOOK would go easy for $1500. With the bookplate around $2000. In Fine condition $2000-3000 for the book and add another $300-500 for the book plate.
For the 17th printing of Philosopher's Stone: unfortunately, no it is not worth anything.
Anyone who has early prints of Philosopher's Stone soft cover or hard, email me at eaglephot@aol.com. I am a collectore of Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone books. Thanks!
Hi I have a 1st Edition 2nd printing paperback of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone.
It has the text Joanne Rowling and illustrator Thomas Taylor1997. Thers is NO Hogworths Crest and the banner at the bottom of the front cover "A terrific read and a stunning first novel" Wendy Cooling.
ISBN 0747532745
Any idea's on value would be appreciated please.
Hi, is Wedee still about? I read about a book you have - see below,
"I have ISBN 0-7475-3274-5 on dustjacket and ISBN 0 7475 3269 9 in book.
'Smarties Gold Award Winner Ages 6-11 - 1997' sticker PRINTED onto both the dust jacket and the hardback cover."
I would be interested in buying it if you still have it (I've bought others from Australia) please email cogospark@yahoo.co.uk
I found a old copy buried in my closet. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. First Published in Britain in 1997. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square London WIV 5DF. Copyright @ Text Joanne Rowling 1997. Copyright @ Cover Illustration Thomas Taylor 1997. ISBN 0747532699 Hardback. Printed and bound in Canada by Fresians
Also no more numbers after that... The book is in Great Condition, Never read or used. Is this worth much ?
Re closet Potter--its a 6th Canadian ed and of very modest value, sorry...
Re closet Potter--its a 6th Canadian ed and of very modest value, sorry...
Re closet Potter--its a 6th Canadian ed and of very modest value, sorry...
I have a first edition paperback of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” (number sequence 1098765432) which my mother read to my daughter at Christmas in 1997 before the HP craze took off. Shortly after this, my mother saw JK Rowling doing a reading of the book in a Glasgow bookstore and was able to chat with her to tell her how much my daughter had enjoyed the book. Rowling subsequently inscribed another copy of the paperback (number sequence 2019181716151413) to my daughter “For Rebecca, Your grandmother has told me very nice things about you, JK Rowling”. My mother then took a photograph of Rowling reading her book to the children in the bookstore. While I realize that these books and the story surrounding them are a “special package”, could you give me an idea of their individual value? Thanks!
Personalized signatures are great in my opinion because they provide more handwriting to analyze.
I'd say your signed later printing with the photo is worth no less than $600 US... and it could do well over $1500 if bidders just have to have it. You will have to convert that to GBP yourself.
Placing your book on EBAY is the easiest and probably cheapest answer to that question with more certainty.
What condition is your 2nd printing in?
Any marks, spine creases, soiling or wear?
Of course it should have the Wendy Cooling quote on the bottom of the cover in the black area.
Thank you.
My 2nd printing has some spine creases and wear as it was read to my daughter and again by my son. It is otherwise in good shape and does have the Wendy Cooling quote on the bottom.
Well, I just bought one from a kind lady who posted here last month for 450 GBP ($650 US) in slightly better condition than yours, SO... you have some money there!
Thank you.
My friend can be reached at eaglephot@aol.com
He is looking for an early printing and passed on the one I purchased.
He will not be able to reply until Monday.
He should treat you with respect if you are looking to sell.
I have a box set of the first three harry potter books
all except for the 1st book have book numbers 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
All have dust covers - illustration by Cliff Wright 1999
and say TED SMART on spine.
Also says inside that the editions were produced for The Book People.
Any value?
Jade x
No value other than reading value.
They are later Book Club edtion printings.
Hi I have a UK Hardback of the Prisoner of Azkaban. The number sequence just has a 20 on the line. Does this mean it's the 20th edition?
Yes--sorry it is a 20th ed...N
I am interested in buying a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd printing of the 1st edition of Philosopher's Stone. If anyone has one to sell, feel free to drop me a line at fairport125@gmail.com ...thanks.
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