J. K. Rowling. HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Bloomsbury, London 1997. ISBN 0747532699
Current Selling Prices
$20000+ / £10000+
SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM (Blue bit) for how to value a copy.
A publishing wonder and a book that made reading books OK again amongst kids. For that reason alone JK is a Goddess. Hallowed be her name. It also made her about ten times richer than Madonna. Madonna retaliated by writing her own forgettable children's books. The whole Potter collecting euphoria took off around one trendy Brit dealer on ebay who had sagaciously stockpiled a few boxes of Rowling and a fat packet of genuine Rowling signed Bloomsbury bookplates and started achieving startling results just post millennium. When a Philosopher's Stone hit $15K+, everybody piled in to buy, sell and bid. Issued in illustrated laminated boards and it has no d/w, states first edition and must have 10987654321 on verso of title. Publisher has stated that only 500 were printed and many of those went to libraries, so it is always going to be a difficult book to find and will be collected until Kingdom Come.
I was offered a signed copy of this a few years ago and negotiated a fattish sum for it; however the deal fell through when the sellers father bought the book - to keep it in the family. Kind of frustrating. The chap selling used the money for a deposit on a flat. He had worked in a new bookshop. It turned out many copies of this book came from bookshop workers who had kept copies seeing the incipient phenomenom at first hand. One wily dealer even started advertising for the book in 'The Bookseller' - the organ of the new book trade. Another tiresome one was a jolly chap with a host of signed copies presented to him. He wanted to buy a house with the money. Have you seen house prices recently in this benighted island?
VALUE? Once the book started to get established 5 figure sterling results up market dealers began dealing the book and it appeared at book fairs on the same shelf as firsts of Utopia and Moby Dick. A dealer in LA bought a copy for £18000 in auction 2003, possibly for some star's offspring and in 2004 a copy made nearly £19000 at Bloomsbury Auctions. It hasn't really gone on at all since then and may have flatlined, or even dropped a few percentage points. However every time a new HP appears prices tend to perk up. The US edition ('Sorcerer's Stone') can fetch about $1500 or more (correct number line on copyright page of "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 8 9/9 0/0 01 02," followed by "Printed in the U.S.A.23" and "First American edition, October 1998", the cloth binding has purple diamond embossed boards and a red spine, "Harry Potter" appears in raised gold lettering on the front panel of jacket; jacket has price of $16.95 on upper corner of the front flap; the numbers "51695" are found above the smaller barcode to the right side.) The first UK paperback is a nice thing to find - with dealers asking £2K+. It is exactly the same as the first hardback just bound up with paper covers. I need hardly add the caveat, don't buy signed Rowlings without provenance (a badly printed certificate of authentication is no good) fakes abound. (Jan/07) [ W/Q *** ]
STOP PRESS. Bloomsbury, the great book auction house in Mayfair just had a bit of a result with a classy signed Rowling -- I quote their publicity release:-
Bloomsbury Auctions set another world record
At the sale on the 24 May 2007, Bloomsbury Auctions set another record with a signed first edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Intense bidding in the room and on the telephone pushed the final price to a staggering £27,370 (inc. premium).
The lucky recipient was a private overseas buyer who has obtained a unique presentation copy inscribed 'To David - with best wishes JK Rowling' with the 1 on the number line circled with an additional identification indicating 1st Edition. This was a fantastic result for Bloomsbury and shows that the popularity of the young wizard continues.
More 2007 Results. I can find 3 copies in this sad year of the last Rowling/ Potter- in chronological order at Bloomsbury in April a copy described thus- "... first edition , very light minor browning to the extreme margins, no inscriptions, original boards, very slightly cocked, slightly bumped at upper corners and spine ends, small abrasions to corners near head of spine, light abrading to the thin surface laminate at fore-edge of lower cover, otherwise a very good copy..." made £12495
At Dominic Winter a copy described thus "...a few leaves faintly creased to top outer corner, ms. ownership name to front free endpaper, orig. pictorial boards, sl. rubbed at corners and spine ends..." made £8460
At Bonham's a copy described thus -"... first edition, ownership label inside upper cover, publisher's pictorial boards, slightly rubbed at extremities..." made £9000.
Go figure, but bear in mind these are not books many people are sitting on -every major Children's sale has one. On the other hand there are a finite number out there, condition is king and hope spring's eternal. As for finding one remember the words of Cadillac Jack 'anything can be anywhere' - one turned up at a little bookshop attached to a stately home. Because it was a hardback it was a £1.
Caveat Emptor! AUSTRALIAN FIRST EDITIONS ARE OF MODEST VALUE AND QUITE COMMON. If Australia is mentioned on back of title page as place of printing do not book a holiday in the Bahamas! Canada is also bad news.American editions are worth significantly less than UK ones.CHECK ABEBOOKS.COM
Last thing--you have to have 10987654321 to get lift off with this book and the date 1997 and no later date, a dust jacket is impossible because it didn't have one and don't neglect first edition 10987654321 paperbacks from 1997 - they too are valuable.
For Current Values - CHECK ABEBOOKS.COM All questions are answered there -type Rowling in the author field, type Stone in the title field, type Bloomsbury in publisher field, then choose highest price, hit search and from the results work down from there. The prices at the very top are generally excessive, over the top and way too much.
Generally speaking anything after a fourth edition is very mediocre, fourth and third are modestly worthwhile and occasionally some punter on ebay pays too much for one but you need 10987654321 or at least 1098765432 and it must be 1997 and not Australian or Canadian. See also all the comments below which answer every edition question in the known universe.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 537 of 537My copy of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone canadian edition (see above), also has 'wand' listed twice on pg 53.
I don't know if that matters.
I was wondering if you could help me as I cannot find anyone in my local area who knows much about the Harry Potter Books.
I have 3, and am looking to sell them due to needing a little extra cash for a house move. Details as follows:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Bloomsbury, illustrations by Thomas Taylor, ISBN 07475 32699, inside states Joanne Rowling 1997, Number Line 30292827262524
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Bloomsbury, illustrations based on original art by Cliff Wright, ISBN 07475 42155, inside states J.K Rowling 1999, Number Line 1098765
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Bloomsbury, Cover illustrations by Giles Greenfield, Cover design by Richard Horne, ISBN 07475 46424 X, inside states 2000 J.K Rowling, Number Line has "First Edition" written. Page 503 "Dumbledore, come! said crouch angrily" - which I believe was later changed to Fudge.
All are in great condition, hardback copies, UK made, with dust covers fully intact.
Any advice or help you can give me as to the value, where is best to sell them etc would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Ok, I'm curious about the canadian hardcover 1st printings, 1st edition. Of the philosophers stone. I currently have a 4th printing of it. This is the earliest one I've ever seen frm canada. I have heard of 6th printings, but nothing earlier. Any comment!!??!!???
Hey ness, another piece of needed information to get a good evaluation is the printing. Which will be indicated by a numberline. Its on the 3rd or forth (left )page near the bottom of the printers page.
Hi Kristal,
I can't see any other numbers in the book apart from the ones that I have noted previously?!?
Lol.... sorry... guess I'm tired didn't read your whole comment ness! Sorry.
To be honest, I don't think any of them are huge money makers. But from what I've seen, if you advertise it right on ebay (which to be honest is the only selling\buying place that I check out.. so id wait for a secnd opinion). You may be able to get 5-50$ for each. I got an 3rd printing of prisoner of azkaban for 5$. But I sold a 20th printing for 17$. So its hard to say. As for the others. I'm even more unsure on, thus encourage you to wait for a secnd opinion!! :-)... good luck.
Ok, I just looked up the goblet of fire. It looks as though it's ranging ffomr 65-300$ but I think you would have to have the time to wait for 300$!! And that's ok ebay!
Thanks Kristal. I've had a look on Ebay myself but it is hard to get a good estimate.
Tis true! Was there any other good selling places you've found?
Specialised book auctioneers...however they charge to value the book in the first place...
I might just put them for sale online - see what happens and keep my fingers crossed that I can raise a little more money for my house move...!
Good luck!!!
Hey ness... quick question! Was your goblet offire by bloomsbury AND raincoast??
Don't think so. Why do you ask?
i have a hard back (with dust cover) copy of the order of the phoenix ISBN 0747551006, bloomsbury 2003, first edition, how much would this be worth?
Me again...
I also have the half blood prince first edition ISBN 0747581088
any ideas on this one?
if you require any more information just let me know, hope someone can help :)
Hi, could you please help I have a copy of
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
This edition first published in 2001
copyright 1997 J.K. Rowling,
Cover illustrations copyright by Thomas Taylor 1997
ISBN 0-7475-5819-1,
Number Line 10987654321
It is in very good condition, paperback copy, UK made.
Any advice or help you can give me as to the value, where is best to sell them etc would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
I have an edition of Harry potter and the philosophers stone in hardback, it is in good condition, but it was given to me as a gift, and so inside it has an inscription written. Happy birthday ect.... the numerical code on the copyright page reads 1098765432. Is this a first or second edition and will it be of value?
Ben.. that sounds like a second printing!! Does it have a old wizard or a young wizard on the back cover??
Ben, I'm no expert, but if its the young wizard... on abebooks, they have a 3rd printing on for 1300$ so maybe that will give u some idea of what you have!!! Even 2nd printings are super rare!
It is a second printing, but the valuable second printings are extremely rare. You would need to give us more information.
1) Is there a quote from Wendy Cooling on the front cover?
2) Is your book a Ted Smart, Raincoast, or Austrailian edition.
True Bloomsbury 2nd prints are actually much harder to find these days than a 1st print even though more 2nd prints were produced. The reason is that everything except the number 1 in the numberline is the same in a 1st and 2nd hardback (including quote). Starting on the 3rd print the quote was changed. Many forgers found it very easy to change the 2nd print and make their 2,000 dollar book into a 15,000 dollar one.
Also, the young wizard is not really an identifying point in this case. The Ted Smart and other editions also use the young wizard in early prints. Even for true Bloomsbury editions the young wizard is used up to the 17th print.
Look at the photos on
for more detailed info.
Hi, could you please help I have a copy of
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
This edition first published in 2001
copyright 1997 J.K. Rowling,
Cover illustrations copyright by Thomas Taylor 1997
ISBN 0-7475-5819-1,
Number Line 10987654321
It is in very good condition, paperback copy, UK made.
Any advice or help you can give me as to the value, where is best to sell them etc would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Hi I have a first edition paperback 1999, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Prisoner of Azkaban, printed Clays Ltd. Is this worth anything? Any help much appreciated Abby.
What you have is a Celebratory edition. Worth about what you paid for it. Sorry. If you search the ISBN number in google you can also find this information.
I have three copies of Philosopher's Stone. I'll give you the details of each & I would appreciate it if you could tell me their value. (:
#1. Softcover
Back - "Young Dumbledore", says he was rescued my an owl, price is 4.99 pounds (so I take it this is a british edition), ISBN 0-7475-3274-5
Inside - Has Bloomsbury logo under Hogwarts crest and title (first page), text copyrighted to Joanne Rowling, numbers 10 9 8 7 6 5, printing error on page 53 (wand listed twice on shopping list)
#2. Softcover
Back - "Young Dumbledore", says he's rescued by an owl, price is $9.95 CDN, ISBN 0-7475-3274-5
Inside - has two pages with hogwarts crest and title, first has "Also available: Chamber of Secrets", second has Bloomsbury logo at the bottom, text copyrighted to Joanne Rowling, numbers 10 9 8, wand printing error of page 53
#3 is exactly the same as #2
Are any of them worth anything?
hi i am not sure what i have i have the originaly young wizard on the back of my philosophers stone, mistakes with in the book such highchair on page 8 later changed to high chair etc my isbn is 0747532745 with the numbers 20 19 9n the bottom. it also has the gold smartie award 1997 stamped on the front is this book woth anything? thank you
I was wondering how much a Harry Australian 1st/1st HB was worth these days.
Hi - I have a 1st edition, 2nd print run of Philosophers stone - hard cover, no dust jacket, young wizard and quote from Wendy Cooling on front (not a special edition of any sort). In good condition other than some fading to spine - any idea how much this might be worth?, Many thanks
I have a First Print First Edition Hardbacked Harry Potter & The Phillosopher's Stone. Printed for the booke People in 1998 a Ted Smart Edition. It has the error on page 8 of the 'highchair' found in early editions, and their is a young dumbledore on the back cover. I know it is not as valuable as the 1997 First Editions; but I'm sure these are now becoming rare. It is in an almost unread condition as is kept as such.
Could you please let me know it's present day value. Many thanks Ann S
Hi there. I just discovered I have a first edition, first print of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets US Edition. The dust cover is in perfect condition, with price on the inside and isbn with UPC on it. The numbers on the inside read: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9/9 0/0 1 2 3 4
Printed in the USA 37
First American edition, June 1999
Only thing is on the inside on the red paper a name is neatly written. How much does this affect the value, and what would you guess the value would be? Thank you! Been researching online and can't find a straight answer.
We have an unsigned UK first edition paperback of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Definitely the genuine article: all the requisite distinguishing marks are there - the number sequence, the duplicated 1 wand etc. It was bought some time before the Harry Potter craze took off. In very good condition, not mint since there are a few minor imperfections. Any idea of value? Thank you.
Does your book have the Wendy Cooling Quote on the front?
Yes, Jonathan, it does. The number sequence is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and the ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5. There's no gap between Taylor and 1997 on the title page either.
The ones in poor condition (I mean rips, pages missing, stains, etc..) can manage from 600-800 on ebay these days. A reader copy with moderate wear averages around 1,000 - 1,200 dollars on ebay. Mint state would be closer to the 2,000 dollar mark for your paperback. These are ebay prices. If you look on abebooks, they are much higher, but tend to sit there forever before a sale. You can always find deals. For example, on Feb 2nd Bloomsbury auctions sold a reader copy for 320 lbs. The same person who bought it now has it on ebay for a price tag close to 2,000 dollars! 320 lbs. was cheap, 2,000 dollars a bit high.
Thank you for your very realistic assessment. Certainly something to mull over...
Whats the difference between "edition" and "print" as in "first edition, first print"? i have a 1997 paperback, bloomsbury published, H P & PS printed and boud in canada with print line of 10 9 8 7 6, misprint on page 53 (1 x wand occurs twice) which was apparently corrected in the second edtion. Does this mean that i have a first edition 6th print or just a 6th edition?
Practically everyone selling on ebay will call their book a 1st edition (in fact you will be hard pressed to find a Harry Potter book that actually says the words "second edition in it anywhere"). What is important is the Country of origin, the publisher, and what version of the book you have (a book club, large print, Ted Smart, etc...). So, you do have a 6th printing and it is a 1st edition, but it is the first edition of the Canadian edition, which was released later than the original bloomsbury editions printed and bound in England.
i have a gold award winner of the philosophers stone with the young wizard on the back isbn 0747532745
30 - 23 book in really good condition.
I have a paperback Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from Bloomsbury with the 10 to 1 number list, plus the list of equipment on page 53, but it says published in 2001, so I assume it's a late print run. Also the cover is a bit creased and worn. Is it worth anything? Thanks.
I have a first edition, first run of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone, isbn number 0747532745. Any idea on its worth?
The ISBN indicates that this is a later edition from 2000 or later. Sorry, It is likely a reader copy. What print is it?
Hey, I have paper back philosophers stone ISBN 0747532745 and a number line of
57 58 59 60 I dont think its of any value, but Im not sure.
It is a 57th print. Sorry, just a reader copy.
Hi there, hope you are well. I was wondering if you could help me out...I have a paperback Philosophers stone with the 10 to 1 number line, the ISBN number is 0475 58191 published by bloomsbury and printed by clays ltd great britian. Is this of any value? Do you just look for the number line or do ISBN numbers also count? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi, I found this edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with the number line: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9/9 0/0 01 02
Printed in the U.S.A. 37
First American edition, October 1998
I know how to read the regular number lines but I've never seen an edition like this. Can you or someone else tell me if this is a 12th or 20th edition, please? I really appreciate it.
Always go by the lowest number. It is a 12th print.
Work for a charity and we have acquired a copy of Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - adult edition cover (black and white train?), Bloomsbury, copyright Joanne Rowling, "this edition published 1998". ISBN is 0 7475 4298 8 and the print run is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Any help greatly appreciated :) I doubt it's worth much, but thought it was worth asking! :)
I have the Chamber of Secrets. The jacket has the blue smarties award badge. ISBN 0747538492 / Number line is 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14. The last 2 pages have letters written to J.K Rowling from students and the teacher from Yerbury Primary School in Holloway London. The back inside jacket page has a letter written from 10 year old Gail Williams. Is it worth anything?
How do I read the number line?
Much Appreciated, Lora
Hi there ihave a harry potter and the philosophers stone hard back large print edition!
10 987654321 is the run number
1997 j.k.rowling text copyright
Printed by. Clays ltd st ives
bloomsbury published
Old wizard on back
Is this book worth anything
Many thanks
Hi, not sure if your website is still valid for finding out the rarity of a Harry Potter book, but I will give it a shot. I have a hardback that has the picture of the young Dumbledore on the back. The inside says: Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997 and Cover illustration by Thomas Taylor 1997. The number inside only goes from 10 9 8 7 6 but it says Printed in Canada by Friesens. And it says Raincoast instead of Bloomsbury. Any ideas on value? Thanks!
I'm wondering if you can give me some advice on a book I have. I have a 5th edition 'Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone'paper back 1997 Signed by J.k. Rowling before she was famous.
She visited out primary school before her books took off. I have a copy of an article in the herald describing what it was like meeting her etc...with the headline 'We read it first'
Even though my signed paperback copy is not a first edition, I was thinking along with the article it might be worth something.
Can you give me advice on selling it? I am based in Scotland.
Please find attached the article from the Herald 'I also have the actual cut out from the paper. - http://www.heraldscotland.com/happy-birthday-harry-10-years-of-magic-from-the-potter-generation-1.860602
Kind Regards,
Can you send a photo of the signature to jdclar3@gmail.com? The value all depends upon the signature. Her autograph has changed quite a bit, even before she was famous it began to change. The value can vary a lot depending on if you have the earliest form of the signature or one signed 6 months later (still before she was famous).
hello can you help me out i have a paperback harry potter and the philosophers stone book, on the copyright page it says
this edition published in 2001
isbn 0747558191
printed and bound in great britain by clays ltd, st ives plc
typeset by dorchester typesetting
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
is it worth anything? can you email me please
thank you
i have Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, a 26th print does this mean a 26th edition? please reply soon:)
Really, the edition means very little. There are no 26th editions. What you have is a 26th print of what is likely a 1st edition. It is still a reader copy and not worth much.
Hi - I've got a UK paperback first edition second printing in reasonable nick. Any views on value please?
And sorry, yes it's a Bloomsbury book with the Wendy Cooling quote.
My Harry Potter and the Philosiphers Stone book has the man with short brown hair on the back and it also says that Harry is rescued by an owl in the blurb. The ISBN number of this paperback is : 0 7475 3274 5 and at the bottom of the page it has the line of four numbers: 40 39 38 37
I have 1966 copyright, houghton Miffin, ISBN 0395071224,Library of Congress # 67-29221. The numbers I am most baffled with are V 40 39 38 37 listed above the copywright information. Can you tell me about this and the book. Sorry I don't know html. Thanks so much
Firstly, I want to say thank you for offering this service to us. You must be quite sick of answering the same questions again and again. I have a Harry Potter book, ISBN 0747532699, which was printed by Bloomsbury in 1997 and sports the number line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4. Not price-clipped, no inscriptions, no tears or chips or bumps. It does have light marks on to top edge and fore-edge but apart from these flaws is in very good condition. I've been trawling bookfinder to see if I could dredge up a price for it but to know avail - paperback fourth printings I have found but not a hardback fourth printing. I would be grateful for your advice. Thank you.
hey there help needed ......
i have the philosopers stone here isbn 0747558191 the line that normally reads 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 just has a number 2 there is this correct ?? if so do you know its value ?
Mark, you book is a second print of the celebratory edition and is considered a readers copy by most standards. It sells for less than ten dollars on ebay.
Please be careful if you are looking at the ebay listing below. The signature is real, but the book is altered. This same signature sold on ebay last summer on a 9th print, not a first print. The signature page was cut and pasted to make the sell more valuable.
Here is another one that seems to be altered by the same person as previous. Please be careful buying signed books on ebay. This book sold in June 2012 and was a 4th print. It has been fraudulently altered to now make it a more valuable 1st print! While the signature is real, these alterations are very hard to spot and I wanted to make collectors aware of it. Constant Vigilance!
0 7475 3269 9 printed and bound in Britain by clays Ltd 20 19 18 17 worth anything
Hi, I have a hardback harry potter and the philosophers stone. ISBN - 0747532699 with the number at the bottom of the publishers page being 1098765, could you tell me if that`s worth anything at all? because I just spent £100 on it and I think I`ve been ripped off?
My mam has Harry Potter and the deathly hallows hardback 1st edition how much is it worth
Hi, I just bought a hardcopy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from a garage sale. It is a red hardcover with gold lettering (on the spine too) and JK Rowling's signature also in gold on the front cover. It has the number line "20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11" on the publisher page and the publisher is Bloomsbury so I think its the UK edition. ISBN number is 0 7475 4572 3. Really good condition. Can anyone tell me more about it or how much it is worth?
I have a red cloth cover edition of the Philosopher's Stone published in Great Britain in 1999 by Clays Ltd.
ISBN 0 7475 4572 3
perfect condition, only opened enough to retrieve information
Any ideas on worth? Thanks!
2nd edition copy of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. How much is it worth?
I have Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1997 Mint Condition Hard Back with cover. first edition published in UK, mistake on page 53, numbers read 10 9 8 7 6. What would the value be with this first edition but sixth printing? I want to sell. how much could i get? thanks.
ISBN 0 7475 5819 1 with a number 6 at the bottom. Is this worth much? Published by Bloomsbury as well. Thanks
I am in the market to purchase Harry Potter books. Top dollar paid. Please email me at thehpcollector@aol.com. I also love to talk about Harry Potter collecting! Send an email. :)
hi there not sure if this is still active but iv just gotten a free copy of the 1st harry potter book, its an australian edition with the numbers 20-14 and the copy right txt joanne rowling, it has full page adverts for the 2,3,4 books in the back. its isbn is : 0 7475 3274 5
Autralian reprint has very minimal value indeed, sorry. anyamountofbooks
Hi, I have a 1st/1st Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. It has been mine since it was first purchased. It is the paper back one. There is damage to the cover and yellowing of the pages, and my own little girl has written her name inside. How much would this be worth approximately. Thanks
I have a set of the 1st 5 books, hard cover, in a plastic wrapped set with a box (so I cannot see the book numbers) as well as the final 2 (also hard cover) in 2 layers of freezer bags. All have never been read and are the "children's" editions. Australian print.
Hello! I'm looking for a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1st/1st true UK Bloomsbury. Open to hardcover or softcover. Feel free to e-mail me at ibeaterp83@yahoo.com. Thank you!
1. Do you still have it? And 2. Can I buy it from you?
I have a Celebratory Edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, with the print line
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
However, it has a picture of the ' old wizard' on the back cover, not the ' young wizard'. I've looked it up to no avail.
Could you tell me how much this is worth, or if it is worth anything?
None of the Celebratory Editions have the young wizard. They are too new. You can buy mint condition 1st print celebratory editions for 30 dollars or less on ebay (even though some silly sellers ask 100 plus dollars, which is way too high) The book is simply too common and mass produced to be worth a lot.
Hi I have an edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
Printed and bound in Australia and soft cover but this is where it is unusual
the number is this and only this
20 19 18
no other numbers, just this. everything else follows the same procedure except this! Is this a weird printing mistake that makes it worth anything or just makes it an usual copy?
Nothing odd at all about it. The 20 19 18 is just the print numberline. It means it is an 18th printing.
This is obviously late, but could you tell me the edition and print (eg. 1st edition, 29th print) for my Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone book, its an Australian paperback, I don't want to know its value, just the edition and print. So my number line in the book is 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9, and the ISBN is 0-7475-3274-5. Many thanks in advance! :)
I have the Harry Potter Deluxe collection UK Bloomsbury 1st editions. I am kindly inquiring if any of these have value:
-Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone DELUXE Version - First Edition, 2nd Printing - UK Bloomsbury - (This book is in perfect condition) Line number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets DELUXE Version - First Edition, 4th Printing - UK Bloomsbury -(This book is in perfect condition) Line number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban DELUXE Version - First Edition, 2nd Printing - UK Bloomsbury
(This book is in perfect condition) Line number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DELUXE Version - First Edition 1st/1st UK Bloomsbury - (This book is in perfect condition)
I have a paperback philosopher's stone with triple smarties gold award winner on the front.1997 but has only a line number 63? ISBN 0747532745 what edition would this be? I haven't heard of the line number just being one number.
I also have a paperback goblet of fire 2000 with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 . ISBN 0747550999 Is it worth anything? I also have the last 3 books in hardbacks all with the words first edition. Are these worthless as they are the last 3 books?
I have a 1997 paperback Bloomsbury harry potter and the philosophers stone. It is a first edition, 2nd printing. It is on ok condition. Do you know how much it may be worth?
Are you interested in selling the 2nd print? If so contact jdclar3@gmail.com
I have a softcover first edition, first impression which, apart from some browning to the top and bottom edges of the pages, is in very good condition. No creases and no fading or discolouration to the covers nor peeling of the laminate.
Any ideas how much i should be asking?
Gus, can you send photos to jdclar3@gmail.com and I can give you a sense of the value. Need front, back and copyright page please.
Hello Jonathan, I've done some research now and have an idea of its value. I have already had an offer from one book dealer and will take it to Blackwells in Oxford for a physical evaluation soon.
However, book dealers are obviously going to offer me a relatively low price compared to the books actual value so I would be interested in selling directly to a collector or fan.
So I have the first 4 books in a set in mint condition with the required artwork on the cover. In philosophers stone the numbers are 57-60
I have a paperback philosophers stone book, Isbn No. 0 7475 3274 5, with a number line at the bottom of the copyright page reading 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21. It is an Australian edition. I doubt it has much value but could you clarify this? Thanks
I have harry potter and philosophers stone with harry in front of the train. Ted smart edition. It has the numbers 10 9 8 7 6 on the inside. Wondering what edition or worth if anyone could help.
How much are my books worth?
Philosophers stone ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 and at the bottom of the page says 58 59 60
Prisoner of Askaban ISBN 0 7475 4629 0 and at the bottom of the page says 20 19 18 17 16 15
Goblet of fire ISBN 07475 5099 9 and at the bottom of the page says 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Order of the phoenix ISBN 07457 6107 9 and at the bottom of the page says 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
Hi, I have 2 questions, firstly, I have a copy of The Prisoner of Azkaban with the numbers 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Is that good or bad? And secondly, I have a copy of the Philosophers Stone with the numbers 20 19 18 17 16 15 14, but credited to Joanne Rowling. It's in near mint condition. Thanks.
Not sure if this forum is still active. But I have a copy of prisoner of Azkaban, Australian printing, 8th edition, only in fair condition BUT it has a serious error - 3 chapters are missing and 3 chapters have been repeated by mistake. Any ideas as to whether it might be worth something? It's not in the best condition.
Hi, I was given several books last year. I've just noticed due to media that at least one may be a "rare" copy.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone, Large Print Condition. ISBN 0-7475-5456-0, 9780747554561. "For Jessica, who loves stories, for Anne, who loved them too, and for Di, who heard this one first. There is a armour Draco Dormers N...
It is is very good condition. Old looking pages, it looks like it has not even been read.
hi i was wondering if you could help me out im wondering what edition/print my harry potter philosopher's stone is its hard back australian edition with the ISBN 0 74753269 9 and the other numbers down the bottom are 26 27 28 29 30
While this blog is extremely old, they're all first edition. If the ISBN for your book is 0747532699, it's a first Ed. The numbers on the copyright page indicate the PRINT RUN. My copy of PS says 10 9 8 7 6 5 which means it's a first edition, 5th print. It's a different edition if the ISBN is different, and if there's an obvious difference between books.
I have a 2001 Australian print of the philosopher's stone, the one with the gold trimming, first edition, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, I'm guessing its not worth much because its not a 1997 tho?
Hello! I'm looking for a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1st/1st true UK Bloomsbury. Open to hardcover or softcover. Feel free to e-mail me at ibeaterp83@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Hi there, I bought a box set when I was younger and now I'm re reading all this information but still confused. I have the first 4 books in Paperback. My Goblet of Fire was published in Britain in 2000 and has the numbers 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. What does that even mean haha ISBN 0747550999
Could you advise please.
A copy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Green cloth cover - copyright Joanne Rowling
Printed in Great Britain
10 9 8 7 6 5
ISBN 0 7475 4511 1
Is this valuable?
Kind regards
Could you advise please.
A copy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Green cloth cover - copyright Joanne Rowling
Printed in Great Britain
10 9 8 7 6 5
ISBN 0 7475 4511 1
Is this valuable?
Kind regards
Hello I have a hardback Harry Potter and philosophers stone 10987654 and it's also signed by jkrowling and inside it says copyright ©text Joanne Rowling 1997.. How much would this be worth thankyou
Tammy, value would be based on condition, book version (I.E. Ted Smart or some other version?) , and the look of the autograph itself. Feel free to email me at jdclar3@gmail.com with some photos of book and signature and I may be able to help more with an estimate of value.
Hi! Just curious if the australian editions of Philosophers stone are worth anything? Has the young wizard, copyright Joanne Rowling 1997, paperback, ISBN 0747532745 with numbers 20 19 18 printed at the bottom of the copyright page.
hi I have a hardback copy of philosopher's stone with Ted smart young wizard reading 10 down to 2 just wondered if it was worth anything thank you
Have a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.Published in 2000 by Raincoast Books. Copyright Text-Joanne Rowling (rather than J.K.) 1997. Has typo error on Pg.53 where "1 wand" appears twice. Also on Pg.8 in first line "highchair" not high chair. Printed and bound in Canada by Webcom and the number 10 appears below this. Any value?
No real value other than to read. It is a 10th print Canadian edition. The page 53 typo is very common in the Canadian editions and really adds no value to those books. A lot of misinformation concerning this typo has been appearing online recently by those who know nothing about the books.
Hi, it's been years since your last comment but I thought I'd give it a try. I have a Canadian version of the Philosophers Stone. The last line on the page is 10 9 8 7 6 5. Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997.
Is it worth anything, even being a Canadian Paperback? It's also in very good condition
Sorry-- of almost no value. It's a late reprint and Canadian. Regrets. N
I have soft cover first edition philosophers stone book. 1997 copyright, typo and print edition #10 987654321. It is Canadian version, printed in Canada by scholastic. Is this worth anything?
In Softcover, the Canadian edition is not really valuable. The typo can be found on most all the Canadian editions, even late prints, and adds no real value (despite claims of many ebay sellers)....
I have a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book with the ISBN number of 07475 3274 5 and the printing code of 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40. It's in great condition, no writing or anything on it, which is lucky because I used to write on my books. I also have the Chamber of Secrets in the same condition with the ISBN number of 0 7475 3848 4 an the printing code of 20. How much, approximately, are these books worth? Any extra info needed, just ask.
I have a soft cover copy of HP and the Philosopher's stone. Number line is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4. Any ideas?
hello i have a harry potter and the philosophers stone book and it says "text Joanne Rowling" and the ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5 and the printed and bound is 40 39 38 37 36 35 does it have value?
thank you
I have Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone and it is a Third Edition print (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3) in paperback and it's ISBN 0 7475 5819 1. Any idea how much it is worth? I also have Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 with ISBN 0 7475 3848 4, and both these books are 1997 editions. Any Idea what they're both worth?
Hello, my Philosopher's Stone is soft cover published in Canada Raincoast 2000 ISBN 1-55192-398-x 20 19 18 17 16 15 copy right text to Joanne Rowling
Chamber of Secrets is soft cover published in Canada Raincoast 2000 ISBN 1-55192-370-x 00 01 02 03 - 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Prizoner of Azkaban is soft cover published in Canada Raincoast ISBN 1-55192-478-1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Are these worth anything?
i have hp and tge philoospherstone paper back printed in Aust numbered 20-13, name on the copyright line is Joanne Rowling
i have hp and the chamber paperback printed in Aust numbered 10-5
and, hp and the prisoner of azkaban printednin Aust numbered 10-5
could you please tell me of they have value
i have hp and tge philoospherstone paper back printed in Aust numbered 20-13, name on the copyright line is Joanne Rowling
i have hp and the chamber paperback printed in Aust numbered 10-5
and, hp and the prisoner of azkaban printednin Aust numbered 10-5
could you please tell me of they have value
sorry these are all reprints of very modest value
I have HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban Australian print 10987654321. Are you able to provide an indication of its value?
I have Harry Potter and the philosopher's Stone with ISBN 0747532745, the bloomsbury edition. Inside are the Numbers 50 49 48
Hello, I have a philosophers stone published in Britain at Bloomsbury in 1997. ISBN is 0 7475 3269 9. Hardback. Print line reads 20 19 18 17 16 15. Credits Joanne Rowling.
Could you tell me about mine if you have time?
ISBN: 0 7475 3274 5
Numbers/text on title page:
40 39 38 37 36 35
Printed and bound in Great Britain
Copyright: Joanne Rowling
Mine is a paperback with a picture of dumbledore at the back. The ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5. The print number is 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41. It was prinred and bound in great britian by clays ltd, st ives place. illustrations were by thomas taylor.the copyright is to joanne rowling. How much is it worth?
my harry potter and the philosopher stone book says isbn 0747532699
and 20 for dorchester typesetting? any ideas?
Hi i have a Philosopher's stone with copyright to Joanne Rowling 1997 with the number 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42. Pleas let me know if it is worth anything at all. It has Dumbledore at the back. It has "winner of the 1997 Smarties Gold Award". Thanks, Fingers crossed
I have a Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone soft back book
It uses Joanne Rowling not J.K Rowling and the ISBN number is 0 7475 3274 5 with the numbers at the bottom saying 50 49 48 47 46.
Is this worth anything??
First published in great britain in 1999
Copyright 1999
Cover Cliff Wright 1999
ISBN 0 7475 4629 0
Numbers 10 9 8 7
Value ?
I have a copy of philosopher’s stone. isbn 0 74 753274 5 paperback. Printed in Great Britain. Number at the bottom is 50 49 48 47 46 45
I checked on the website you mentioned but the price varying is too extreme. What should be be a good price for this? Thanks
It is a 45th print paperback and would be considered a reading copy. Less than 10 USD value.
Hi, I have a hardback 1st edition 1st print of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in large print. It hasn't got a dust jacket but it's in excellent condition, there is just a slight crease in the bottom of the spine. Could you give me an estimated value please? Thanks.
Hi I have a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book and I was wondering how much its value is. It is printed by Bloomsbury and all the dates are 1997. It says Joanne Rowling and it says "Printed and bound in Canada by Friesens" and below it says 10 9 8. On page 53 it says one wand twice. Thanks!
I have a copy of harry potter and the philosopher's stone on the printing page it says 20 19 18 17 and on the back the ISBN is 0-7475-3269-9 with the number 9. What is the approx value of this?
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