J. K. Rowling. HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Bloomsbury, London 1997. ISBN 0747532699
Current Selling Prices
$20000+ / £10000+
SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM (Blue bit) for how to value a copy.
A publishing wonder and a book that made reading books OK again amongst kids. For that reason alone JK is a Goddess. Hallowed be her name. It also made her about ten times richer than Madonna. Madonna retaliated by writing her own forgettable children's books. The whole Potter collecting euphoria took off around one trendy Brit dealer on ebay who had sagaciously stockpiled a few boxes of Rowling and a fat packet of genuine Rowling signed Bloomsbury bookplates and started achieving startling results just post millennium. When a Philosopher's Stone hit $15K+, everybody piled in to buy, sell and bid. Issued in illustrated laminated boards and it has no d/w, states first edition and must have 10987654321 on verso of title. Publisher has stated that only 500 were printed and many of those went to libraries, so it is always going to be a difficult book to find and will be collected until Kingdom Come.
I was offered a signed copy of this a few years ago and negotiated a fattish sum for it; however the deal fell through when the sellers father bought the book - to keep it in the family. Kind of frustrating. The chap selling used the money for a deposit on a flat. He had worked in a new bookshop. It turned out many copies of this book came from bookshop workers who had kept copies seeing the incipient phenomenom at first hand. One wily dealer even started advertising for the book in 'The Bookseller' - the organ of the new book trade. Another tiresome one was a jolly chap with a host of signed copies presented to him. He wanted to buy a house with the money. Have you seen house prices recently in this benighted island?
VALUE? Once the book started to get established 5 figure sterling results up market dealers began dealing the book and it appeared at book fairs on the same shelf as firsts of Utopia and Moby Dick. A dealer in LA bought a copy for £18000 in auction 2003, possibly for some star's offspring and in 2004 a copy made nearly £19000 at Bloomsbury Auctions. It hasn't really gone on at all since then and may have flatlined, or even dropped a few percentage points. However every time a new HP appears prices tend to perk up. The US edition ('Sorcerer's Stone') can fetch about $1500 or more (correct number line on copyright page of "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 8 9/9 0/0 01 02," followed by "Printed in the U.S.A.23" and "First American edition, October 1998", the cloth binding has purple diamond embossed boards and a red spine, "Harry Potter" appears in raised gold lettering on the front panel of jacket; jacket has price of $16.95 on upper corner of the front flap; the numbers "51695" are found above the smaller barcode to the right side.) The first UK paperback is a nice thing to find - with dealers asking £2K+. It is exactly the same as the first hardback just bound up with paper covers. I need hardly add the caveat, don't buy signed Rowlings without provenance (a badly printed certificate of authentication is no good) fakes abound. (Jan/07) [ W/Q *** ]
STOP PRESS. Bloomsbury, the great book auction house in Mayfair just had a bit of a result with a classy signed Rowling -- I quote their publicity release:-
Bloomsbury Auctions set another world record
At the sale on the 24 May 2007, Bloomsbury Auctions set another record with a signed first edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Intense bidding in the room and on the telephone pushed the final price to a staggering £27,370 (inc. premium).
The lucky recipient was a private overseas buyer who has obtained a unique presentation copy inscribed 'To David - with best wishes JK Rowling' with the 1 on the number line circled with an additional identification indicating 1st Edition. This was a fantastic result for Bloomsbury and shows that the popularity of the young wizard continues.
More 2007 Results. I can find 3 copies in this sad year of the last Rowling/ Potter- in chronological order at Bloomsbury in April a copy described thus- "... first edition , very light minor browning to the extreme margins, no inscriptions, original boards, very slightly cocked, slightly bumped at upper corners and spine ends, small abrasions to corners near head of spine, light abrading to the thin surface laminate at fore-edge of lower cover, otherwise a very good copy..." made £12495
At Dominic Winter a copy described thus "...a few leaves faintly creased to top outer corner, ms. ownership name to front free endpaper, orig. pictorial boards, sl. rubbed at corners and spine ends..." made £8460
At Bonham's a copy described thus -"... first edition, ownership label inside upper cover, publisher's pictorial boards, slightly rubbed at extremities..." made £9000.
Go figure, but bear in mind these are not books many people are sitting on -every major Children's sale has one. On the other hand there are a finite number out there, condition is king and hope spring's eternal. As for finding one remember the words of Cadillac Jack 'anything can be anywhere' - one turned up at a little bookshop attached to a stately home. Because it was a hardback it was a £1.
Caveat Emptor! AUSTRALIAN FIRST EDITIONS ARE OF MODEST VALUE AND QUITE COMMON. If Australia is mentioned on back of title page as place of printing do not book a holiday in the Bahamas! Canada is also bad news.American editions are worth significantly less than UK ones.CHECK ABEBOOKS.COM
Last thing--you have to have 10987654321 to get lift off with this book and the date 1997 and no later date, a dust jacket is impossible because it didn't have one and don't neglect first edition 10987654321 paperbacks from 1997 - they too are valuable.
For Current Values - CHECK ABEBOOKS.COM All questions are answered there -type Rowling in the author field, type Stone in the title field, type Bloomsbury in publisher field, then choose highest price, hit search and from the results work down from there. The prices at the very top are generally excessive, over the top and way too much.
Generally speaking anything after a fourth edition is very mediocre, fourth and third are modestly worthwhile and occasionally some punter on ebay pays too much for one but you need 10987654321 or at least 1098765432 and it must be 1997 and not Australian or Canadian. See also all the comments below which answer every edition question in the known universe.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 537 Newer› Newest»To be more specific, Bloomsbury 1st edition 1997 with 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 or 2 or 1. Not interested in Canadian, Australian, or Smart.
I think this is rather good, but always happy to learn from anyone who know more than me, of which I suspect there are a few, so here goes:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Published by Bloomsbury in 1997.
Number line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
Shows the Wendy Cooling quote on the front cover.
Shows the typographical error "...Taylor1997" on the copyright page.
Printed in England by Clays.
What more do I need?
An identical copy fetched £1600.00 on eBay within the last 2 weeks.
Ideas for value, other points to prove or serious offers would be most welcome.
i know this is for the philosophers stone but i was just having a look and wondered about my harry potter and the half blood prince book.
It is hardback and has a dust cover.on the inside, it doesnt have a number sequence, but actually just says : First Edition. And i bought it pretty soon after it had come out. the ISBN is .
Not sure if it worth much, but could you help me out?
thanks, R.
oops, sorry i missed out the ISPN code. It's 0-7475-8108-8
and it also has a dust cover.
it's been read once and in pretty good condidtion, but had slight damage on the corners from hadling and being in a bag but only very minor.
thanks .x
hi, like R'P i was just on this looking at books and i have a Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix brand new and completely unread.
Ithas the number line
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 .
Also the same with Deathly Hallows.
The ISPN is:
Order of the Phoenix :
Deathly Hallows :
978-0-7475-9583-0 (which i dont think is worth anything)
just wondered as the number line is odd (well to me as i thought that they went down in numbers, and the last number, is the number after that's edition)
just wondered if you could help me out.
From what I'm understanding, this copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone isn't worth much at all. My question is, will it gain more value over time? If I kept it in my family (like the smart people who hung onto the early editions of Ulysses or Catcher in the Rye? How much do you estimate it will be worth in 50or 60, or even 100 years?
ISBN-13: 9780747532699
Description: 0747532699.
How much would a hardback first editions of the Philosopher's Stone 46th Print be worth?
Many thanks
I recently came across a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Secret and name "Harry Potter" has been left off the front of the book. Also, there is no writing on the spine of the book. THe book is a over-sized scholastic printing. Do you think it has any value?
Mistake in the previous comment. It is, of course, Harry Potter and the Socereres Stone
Teresa You may find a copy at bookfinder.com or http://used.addall.com/ but it sounds like a printer's error and sometimes people pay slightly silly money for these at Ebay but not always. The Scholastic edition is not the big one either--you really need ~Bloomsbury.
_ Mugwort
hi i have a HB copy of the philosopher's stone that has 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 also ISBN 1 85613 403 2 its Ted Smart tho is it worth anything?
Hey, I wonder if you can help me price a couple of books.
I have two copies of the Philosopher's Stone, both with dust jackets, slightly worn but in pretty good condition otherwise. One is 1098765432 and the other is 109876543. Any idea what they woud be worth?
Thanks :)
If it has a dust jacket and is 10-2numberline, it must be Canadian, Australian, or Ted Smart published. Check your copyright page. The 10-3 could be good if its published by Bloomsbury, otherwise, much smaller value.
Just wondering if you could please help. I have the Philosophers stone with the ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 paperback. At the end of the page the numbers 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 it also has the dates 1997. Im doubting its worth anything but if you could let me know, that would be great! Thanks,
Hi, i have all seven books in the 'Deluxe' Edition, with gold edged pages, printed signature etc. They are in perfect condition. Books one & two have numbers running 10987654321 and book three has 1098765432, the four remaining books all state 'first edition'. I also have first editions of 'The Goblet of Fire' and 'The Deathly Hallows' in standard hardback. Any valuations? Thanks
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me value my Harry Potter books.
I have 2 first edition Prisonder of Azkaban - both paperbacks. ISBN 0747546290
10987654321 - are they worth anything?
I also have a mint condition box set of the first 4 books ISBN 0747532745 they all have different numbers inside.
I also have a hard back Philosophers stone with dust cover ISBN 0747532699 3029282723625242322
and then the same in a paper back but 40393837363534333231 still with smarites sticker on front. Thank you in advance!
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me value my Harry Potter books.
I have 2 first edition Prisonder of Azkaban - both paperbacks. ISBN 0747546290
10987654321 - are they worth anything?
I also have a mint condition box set of the first 4 books ISBN 0747532745 they all have different numbers inside.
I also have a hard back Philosophers stone with dust cover ISBN 0747532699 3029282723625242322
and then the same in a paper back but 40393837363534333231 still with smarites sticker on front. Thank you in advance!
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me value my Harry Potter books.
I have 2 first edition Prisonder of Azkaban - both paperbacks. ISBN 0747546290
10987654321 - are they worth anything?
I also have a mint condition box set of the first 4 books ISBN 0747532745 they all have different numbers inside.
I also have a hard back Philosophers stone with dust cover ISBN 0747532699 3029282723625242322
and then the same in a paper back but 40393837363534333231 still with smarites sticker on front. Thank you in advance!
Hi i have four harry potter books here i was wondering if any one could help me value them.
The first is a hard back copy of Harry potter and the philosophers stone. It has a dust jacket, that is in good condition. The ISBN is 0 7475 3269 9. It is credited to J.K Rowling on the copyright page. On the back it has a picture of dumbledore with the silver beard.
The second is a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. It is in good condition. The ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5. It is credited to Joanne Rowling on the copyright page. On the back it has a picture of dumbledore with the brown beard.
The third is a hard back copy of Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. The ISBN is 0 7475 3849 2.
The fourth is a hard back copy of Harry potter and the order of the phoenix. It is a special first edition. It has a red cloth type cover, with gold edged pages and a gold cloth book mark. The ISBN is 0 7475 6961 4. This book is in its original wrapper has never been opened.
They are all published by bloomsbury.
Email at christophercurrie101@hotmail.com.
If anyone could help i would be really grateful.
you need 10987654321
you need 10987654321
you need 10987654321
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you need 10987654321
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you need 10987654321
you need 10987654321
Hi, i have all seven books in the 'Deluxe' Edition, with gold edged pages, printed signature etc. They are in perfect condition. Books one & two have numbers running 10987654321 and book three has 1098765432, the four remaining books all state 'first edition'. I also have first editions of 'The Goblet of Fire' and 'The Deathly Hallows' in standard hardback. Any valuations? Thanks
i have a hard back copy of the philosophers stone with isbn of 0747532699 with a number a couple of lines below of 31, and it has an elderly gentleman on the back cover. Can you let me know if it worth anything. Thank you
Hi there, I've got a first edition of Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets they're early reprints, 10 and 12 so I know they're not very valuable, if I get £10 for them I'll be happy, but my query is that neither of them have a price on the dust jacket. They're printed by Clays, not book club or anything and I wondered if you knew what that meant, more for my interest than anything else. Thanks very much
hey i have a 1st edition goblet of fire was wondering if it was worth anyting
i have harry potter and th ephilosopher's stone, isbn number 0747532745 with number at the bottom of the page is 64
I live in Australia and have a "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" adult edition published in 1998. The front cover has a black and white phot of a train and the top banner with the title is in orange. On the copyright page inside, the text is attributed to attributed to Joanne Rowling. The ISBN is 0 7475 4298 8and the string at the botton is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3. It is published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc and printed and bound in Great Britan by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc. Is this collectible? any advice would be greatly appreciated as it is in excellent condition.
Hi, my 19 year old son has a paperback copy of Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone that was given to him for his birthday when he was a little boy. I recall none of us had heard of JK Rowling at the time and he seemed to have the book a lot sooner than any of his friends. I am wondering if it's a first edition paperback.
Inside the cover it says exactly the following:
All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
First published in Great Britain in 1997. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 38 Soho Square, London W1V 5DF
Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997
Copyright Cover Illustration Thomas Taylor 1997
the moral right of the author has been asserted. A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 Paperback
0 7475 3269 9 Hardback
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd., St Ives plc
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The book has been well loved and it's not in perfect condition. It has my sons's name written small and neat inside the front cover but those are the only ink marks. the pages are sound and clean with just a little yellowing round the edges. The cover has suffered a bit on the corners and is a little worn, and there's a little bit of fading in one place. I'd say it could be described as in fairly good rather than very good condition.
Do you think it could be worth anything?
Do you think it could be worth anything?
On Ebay it could fetch several hundred pounds even though it in less than great condition. Dealers are overwhelmed with better copies... Lord Thomas Furbelow
Send me some pictures and I may be interested in it Julie. Thanks David
hey, i was just wondering if you could tell me what edition my harry potter and the philosophers stone book is .....
it has the man on the back with short brown hair, and in the blurb describes harry being rescued by an owl....
the ISBN is 0 7475 3274 5 paperback
it was printed and bound in great britain by clays ltd, st ives plc
and it has the numbers 40 39 at the bottom of the page.....
sorry book has no value (say £1) it is a late reprint....this can be ascertained time and time again throughout these postings-- if it does not have 10987654321 you do NOT HAVE LIFT OFF, you have a low value reprint. Mugwort the frog
I have a softback edition with 10987654321, with dumbledore on the reverse cover.
The ISBN is 0747558191
Is this a first edition??
i have a paper back verison of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone with the ISBN number 0747558191 and underneath is the number 2, how much would this be worth? thank you!
hi i have two questions i brought a deathly hallows book and there is no number sequence but it states first edition? is it a first edition?
and are american order of the phoenix first editions worth anyhting as i have one of those too? would appriciate your help
hi i have a paper back copy of the prisoner of azkaban with the nuber line going from 10-1 is that a first edition an is it/will it be valuble?
Hi there,
My partner has the authentic hardback original, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1st edition, 1st print run of 500, with the name Joanna Rowling on it. (She was working at Bloomsbury at the time as an intern)
The problem is that she has written on the opening page (message to her sister who it was a present for)
So the question is really, how much has that writing devalued it (Obviously she didn't know at the time how much it would come to be worth!)
I've unearthed my harry potter books but not sure where to find all the relevant numbers etc, despite having read your article on it. So i'll just tell you all the numbers I can find.
My well used hardback of the philosopher's stone, says "First published in Great Britain 1997", then further down it says "ISBN 0 7475 3274 5 Paperback 0 7475 3269 9 Hardback. Underneath where it says about being printed and bound in GB, it has the numbers 20 19 18 17 16 15.
My hardback of the chamber of secrets, printed in 1998, has the ISBN 0 7475 3849 2 and again underneath printed and bound it says 17 19 20 18 16.
Please could you tell me whether I have anything worth getting excited about?
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you need 10987654321
you need 10987654321
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you need 10987654321
you need 10987654321
you need 10987654321
If you have 1098765432 you HAVE A SECOND EDITION
IF 109876543 YOU HAVE A 3RD
Guy --you have a great item but the name devalues it probably by at least a quarter. Think £4K but check abebooks.com
Thanks, was thinking about purchasing book and you pointed out many problems...what is the contact for your store?
Hey i have a copy of harry potter and the philosopher's stone, it has the ISBN number 0-7475-3274-5 on it
it doesn't have any numbers going 10-1 on it or anything.
It has a 1997 golf award winner sticker on it from the Smarties Book Prize.
Is this a reprint?
If not, could you please value it for me :)
gold award* sorry
Apologies, i found a number at the bottom of the page which is not centered, it is just the number 10
I'm guessing this is a late edition, please drop a message if you think otherwise
sorry it's a tenth edtion worth just a few quids, it might buy you a foamung pint at the Sorcerer's Apprentice...
can anybody help me with how much this may be worth: harry potter and the philosophers stone paperback
as appears on page
First published in Great Britain in 1997
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 38 Soho Square, London W1V 5DF
copyright joanne rowling 1997
copyright cover illustration thomas taylor1997
ISBN 07475 3274 5 Paperback
074753269 9 Hardback
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
a worthless 20th ed
if it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no good
f it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no goodf it doesn't have 10987654321 it's no good
i have a signed harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban hardback
isbn 0747542155
is it worth anything
A few bob if the signature is genuine--shame it's a second ed--put it on Ebay
it has a letter of authentication from j.k rowlings P.A
how much are the first edition Philosopher Stones worth now if they are beaten up ex libris?
Hi there,
I hopeyou can help me. I have a set of books 2-7 signed by JK Rowling.
They all state 'To cheryl, best wishes, JK Rowling' I also have correspondence between the two of us as proof the signatures are genuine.
Please can you tell me how much these might be worth? I'm not sure i'd want to sell them but i'm very curious!
Thank you! :)
Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the number line of my first edition of The Sorcerer's Stone; it reads:
5 7 9 10 8 6 [gap] 8 9/9 0/0 01 02
Presumably this is a 5th printing?
The book has a lot of the other marks mentioned above; the bar code 51695 has a yellow background and the spine and book say "Rowling" (so not J.K. Rowling). Would this copy be worth anything?
Above sorry its a fifth and worth less than a latte, above that Cheryl--you have a pearl of great price if books are fine and firsts, the letters are a real bonus--good luck, might be worth the price of a new car but a very small one. N
PS a beaten up exlib 'Stone' can still get hundreds of pounds esp to the Ebay crowd. JK market uncertain at present however...
I have a paperback Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone with ISBN 0747532745 with the date of publishing as 1997. The number 1098 is also down the bottom of the copyright page. Also on the back cover, below the ISBN, there is the number 9780747532743. Is it a first edition? Many Thanks
I buy rare Harry Potter books. Email me at eaglephot@aol.com and I will be happy to make you an offer!
Thank you.
Hi I have a paperback edition of The philosopher's stone. Numbers 10 987654321. Bottom of front cover has the wendy coolings strap. Inner page with numberline has joanne rowling and illustration thomas taylor1997 no space. Page 53 has other equipement 1 wand listed twice. Condition is not bad at all slight wear to the outer tips of the cover and about a 2" lifting of the laminate cover on the front board. Also it has the young dumbledor on the back. Is this a true 1st / 1st and if so how many were produced and has it a value. Any info would be greatly welcome. Thanks.
Sounds like a 1st. If you could send me some pictures, I would be interested in buying this book. Let me know. fairport125@gmail.com
Hello - I have a paperback copy of Harry Pooter and Philosopher's Stone. Has been well-thumbed. I bought it in 1997. Number line reads: 1 0 9 8. It also has a '@Smarties Book Prize 1997' sticker on it. Is this worth anything I wonder?
I have Australian copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone which might be valuable.
On one of the first pages it has
ISBN 0 7475 3269 9 Hardback
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Can anyone enlighten me about what this is worth.
Hi, was wondering how much my book costs. It is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. ISBN 0-7475-3274-5 with line 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 and it says First Published in Great Britain in 1997. Copyright Text Joanne Rowling 1997. Copyright Cover Illustration Thomas Taylor 1997. Thanks.
hello, I understand that printings with the Wendy Cooling front cover quote are a bit more valuable. Can you tell me which printings have the quote in hardback and paperback? I am mainly wondering about the paperback as I have seen the quote on 1st and 2nd prints, but is it also on 3rd and 4th or even more printings? Thanks.
Also, I buy hardback first prints of the first 3 harry potter books. Or anything earlier than 4th of philosopher's stone in paperback or hard. If your looking to sell or just ID what you have let me know at jdclar3@gmail.com
Jonathan, The Cooling quote is on the first 5 paperbacks and only the first 2 Hardcovers. I do not believe the Hardcover resumed printing after the July 97 2nd printing until sometime in the second half of 1998. (because the 3rd HC has the Smarties Award info and that was not won until mid November 1997) The Sunday Telegraph quote was used for many softcover printings after the 5th.
The 3rd printing HC may be cool and a tough find, but there's a GOB of paperback printings that came before it.
I have a 7th edition HP and the Philospher's stone
And it's signed by JK:
"To Charlotte, very best wishes
J.K Rowling"
Any idea if it's worth anything?
Could you tell me how much this version is worth.
Harry potter and Philosophers Stone
unread/unhandled Bloomsbury/UK Large Print first edition/first printing in pristine glossy pictorial boards, no DJ as issued [ISBN 0747543356]. Printed by Clay's Ltd.; NOT the Ted Smart (book club) edition.
I have seen Large Print 1st editions sell on ebay for around 100 dollars. However, I think this is way overpriced. In general, I think around 25-35 dollars is a fair estimate if it is in mint condition. You may try to sell on ebay as a Buy it now. I am sure someone will pay 50 dollars within a couple of weeks of posting.
I have a TRUE UK 2nd printing HARDCOVER Philosopher's Stone in FAIR condition that I will take offers for. I would rather not list it on eBay if I can help it. If interested, email me at eaglephot@aol.com with offers. Here is a link to photos of the book. http://s719.photobucket.com/albums/ww195/eaglephot/PS%202nd%202/
Please email me at eaglephot@aol.com.
Thank you!
I have a hardback copy of Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, on the copyright page it has the number line saying 20 19 18 17. Do you know what edition this is, is it worth anything?
Thank you
Hi, I have recently ben given a hardback copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It isn't in the best of conditions, but isnt a complete wreck. It says:
First published in Great Britain in 1998
This edition produced for the book people Ltd 1998
Hall Wood Avenue
St Helens WA11 9UL
Copyright © Text Joanne Rowling 1997
Copyright © Cover illustration Thomas Taylor 1997
The moral right of the author has been asserted
A CIP catalog record of the book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1 85613 403 2
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
It also has the picture of the younger wizard and the blurb saying he is rescued by an owl, taken to Hogwarts etc. It has the banner on the front cover: 'Winner of the 1997 smarties gold award'
Price on dust jacket says £10.99
Any idea about the selling price?
*Please note, I have no idea what print or edition this is*
Some of the first print Ted Smart Philosopher Stone books can fetch around 200-250 on ebay auction. The second prints tend not to go much above 50 dollars unfortunatly.
Hi I have a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book Bloomsbury paper back ISBN no. 0 7475 4298 8 published 1998 row of numbers 20 19 18 17 16 15. Copy right text Joanne Rowling 1997 in un read condition. Has this any value? thank you
Hi, I have an Australian copy of the 1997 printing, the number sequence under the printing information is only 1098. Is this a mis-print, shouldn't there be more numbers to that?
Em, This simply means you have an 8th print of the book. It is not a misprint.
how many arcs for Chamber were released?
I think the estimate on US Advance Reader Copies of Chamber of Secrets is around 2,500 to 3,000 copies made. For the UK Proof of Chamber, you looking at around 300 copies made.
so there are about 200 arcs for Stone, 50 for Azkaban, Bloomsbury, not sure about American numbers.
So even Chamber,Bloomsbury could be a good purchase here?
To edit the previous post, it is correct that there are around 200 Philosopher Stone Bloomsbury proof copies. However, For Prisoner of Azkaban there were 300 made. 50 Bloomsbury proofs had a purple cover and are very rare. The other 250 Prisoner of Azkaban proofs from Bloomsbury had a green cover.
I have an American Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone soft cover. I think it may be a first edition, it saysss..
ISBE 0-439-36213-X
Library of Congress number 97-39059
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6/0
Printed in the U.S.A. 01
First Scholastic mass markey paperback printing, November 2001
Yes, it is a first print paperback. Unfortunatly they made a ton of the American paperback first prints and they are not really woth much more than what they were originally sold for.
I have a signed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with ISBN 0-590-35340-3, 302928272625242322 9/9 0/0 01 02, Printed in the U.S.A. 37, First American edition, October 1998. It was never read and is in new, but not mint, condition. What is its value?
I also have a signed Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with ISBN 0-439-06486-4, 20191817161514131211 9/9 0/0 1 2 3 4, Printed in the U.S.A. 37. It is in the same condition as the other book. What is its value?
It all depends upon what provenance you have with the signatures. If you have a ticket from the signing event or hologram from JK Rowlings team, either book could get from 300-400 dollars on ebay (depending on the event they were signed at and provenance). Without provenance, it comes down to how the signatures look compared to authentic autographs. A certificate of authenticity means little these days, as many forgers have began printing their own. If the signature looks correct, 150-200 is about average ebay price considering they are later prints. Even if the signature looks like an obvious fake some people will pay 50 dollars (I have never figured that out, but a sucker is born every minute. If anyone out there is looking to buy autographs, please take a second to look at JK's Army website as it is a nice source to see example signitures).
Hi, I have an adult cover copy of the philosopher's stone published in 1998, but it has 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, does this still mean it's a first edition despite not being published in 1997? It's in fairly good condition but has obviously been read a few times.
Hi, I have an adult cover copy of the philosopher's stone published in 1998, but it has 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, does this still mean it's a first edition despite not being published in 1997? It's in fairly good condition but has obviously been read a few times.
Ok, here is a good puzzle for the experts. I have noticed on the 4th print copyright page the paperback version has a print block starting at the top of the page, while the hardback print block is placed lower down on the page. This is a nice way to tell if someone took the copyright from a paperback and rebound it in a hardback to make it worth more. However, this rule does not seem to hold true for first prints, as both HB and PB copyright print blocks start at the top of the page. The question is, what is the earliest print that the differance in the placeing on the copyright occurs and does this still occur in later edition HB and paperbacks. Maybe not an important question, but I have seen some books that I wonder if a hardback copyright page actually came from a paperback. For example, if a 2nd print hardback was rebound with the copyright page of a 1st paperback, how would I know? I imagine this occurs as it might mean an extra 10-15,000 dollar profit.
Hey, I have 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' in hard back.
It says in writing that it is a first edition but i have been told that many more were sold so it is not worth as much. Is this true?
It has the dust cover but sadly the owner of the book before i bought it must have spilt coffee or tea on a few of the pages.
Thankyou for your help.
Hey, I have 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' in hard back.
It says in writing that it is a first edition but i have been told that many more were sold so it is not worth as much. Is this true?
It has the dust cover but sadly the owner of the book before i bought it must have spilt coffee or tea on a few of the pages. But the front and the dust cover are in excellent condition.
The ISBN is 0 7475 8108 8
Thank you for your help.
There were too many HBP copies made to make them really collectable. It is worth about half or less of the original price if you have read it and names are marked in it.
can you tell me what edition my harry potter and the philosophers stone book is.
It has the title and authors name in gold with gold stars all around it
inside the cover it says
ISBN 07475 5819 1
The other number is 10987654321
thanks Gemma louise
You have a celebratory UK anniversary edition in paperback. Similar paperback editions were made for all the books. These are pretty common in England. It is a first print of that edition. Given they printed many of these, the value is not much more than the cover price if it is in mint condition.
Hi, i have a first edition third printing (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3) harry potter and the philosophers stone with Ted Smart on it, wondering if you would be able to value it for me please?
1st print Ted Smart Philosopher Stone's can fetch 125 - 200 american dollars on ebay these days. More if you find a sucker :)
The 2nd Ted Smart prints I have sell sell for around 40-50 dollars. The 3rd print Ted Smart goes for less of course, but the range of 30-40 dollars on ebay is about right (if you list it correctly).
Cheers, so im guessing this means that ted smart is worth less... How much would this book fetch if it were bloomsbury?
Its hardback by the way
At ebay auction the 3rd print Bloomsbury copy can sell for 400+ dollars typically if it is in nice condition. I have seen fine copies sell buy it now for more than 900 dollars. Of course, the 3rd print true Bloomsbury copies still sell under the radar often because they are listed incorrectly or the seller does not know how much they are worth and posts it BIN for 30 dollars. LOL!
Hi there, My Harry potter & the Philosopher's stone book is as follows ISBN 0 7475 5819 1
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Can you tell me its value ???
Thats paperback by the way. :-)
it is the celebratory edition and worth about the retail price.
Hi there! I buy rare Harry Potter books! Email me at eaglephot@aol.com if you have something you might be interested to sell. Thanks!
I know you've said Australian first editions are not of much value, But I have a boxed set of the first three Harry Potter books and the first two are First editions.
They are in v good condition with the jackets intact?
Any worth there at all?
Catherine prob not a king's ransom-- check bookfinder.com or http://used.addall.com/
Best regards -- a frog
Hi! I have first editions of both order of phoenix and Half blodd prince. They're bloomsbury versions and The ISBN numbers match up but the reverse number sequence is absent=S
Why might this be?
I have Harry Potter and the philosophers stone
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
For a 12th print Philosopher paperback you are not looking at a very rare book. 5th prints sell around the 40-50 dollar level if they are in nice condition. A 12th paperback might max out on ebay around the 15 dollar level but my guess is it would sell for 10.
hi i was wondering how much harry potter and the philosopher's stone book will go for
isbn 0-7475-3269-9
26 27 28 29 30
copyright by thomas taylor 1997
RTFM!!!!!! Its a late reprint. Sorry --of less value than a latte.
Hi I was wondering how much my paperback edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone is worth. it is a first edition 1997 with the ISBN 0747532745.
hi i was wondering if you could help me i have got harry potter chamber of secrets a bloomsbury book the number on it is 10 i was wondering if it was worth anything
I have a delux hardback copy of Harry Potter & the Philosphers Stone. Still in it's original selophane wrapping so unread/marked. Is there any way to check if it is a first edition without taking it out of the selophane. How much is it worth?
I also have the same delux copies of Harry Potter & the Hamber of Secrets & Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - all unread/in original selophane wrapping - again how do I check if these are First edition
The only way to check to see if it is a first print is to open the wrapping. Really, opening the wrapping does not effect the value. A single 2nd-10th print will still be worth 20-30 dollars in mint condition in or out of the wrap. Over time you would want to unwrap it anyway as the selophane can damage the covers given enough time. If it does have the full numberline on the copyright the average ebay value is as follows.
Deluxe Philosopher's Stone= $300
Deluxe CoS = 100-125
Deluxe PoA = 500-700
These are averages for mint contidion books with the full numberline. I have seen them sell for more, and have seen them sell for much less too.
I have a 3rd edition ted smart philosphers stone with dust jacket, slightly tatty dust jacket though.
Hi, When i was at school I found an edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in the library that had a sepia photograph of a train on the front.
I have never come across another edition with this particular cover art and was just curious about whether anyone else has come across it and what version it was etc.
I read this before the big Harry Potter hype ever really began.
'...sepia photograph of a train on the front'
I guess what you had there was an 'adult' Potter book. THey had non childish covers so grown-ups could read them in public without looking silly.
This is the Adult paperback version. It came out years after the first prints of Philosopher stone, but can still be collectible. If it is a first print of the adult version it can fetch between 40-75 dollars on ebay. I have seen it sell for more, but it is a mistake to pay more for it.
i have a paperback 1st edition harry potter and the philosophers stone. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 printed by bloomsbury with wand printed twice. slightly worn around the edges and bend mark on the back cover.
how much is it worth?
less than nothing, I'd say muggles
I am not sure who posted the last comment, but if you have a bloomsbury paperback with the full numberline and the wendy cooling quote on the front cover you looking at 600 dollars in good condition with edge wear etc. In mint condtion it is a 1200 dollar book. These are ebay prices of course.
Hi, I am getting a bit muddled with all the different Harry Potter values, please can you help? I have a UK paperback of the philosopher's stone, with the number 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2, so I'm guessing second print? It's not singed but in good condition. Is it worth anything do you think? Thanks
sorry just to add to the last comment, it has the wendy cooling quote too but not the wand error
It depends on what edition of the paperback 2nd print you have. If it has the wendy cooling quote on the front the book is worth 200-300 in worn to good condition and maybe 600 in mint condition (based on ebay prices). If it is any other second print paperback UK Philosopher's Stone that was printed later, then the value is very small (under 10 dollars). Really, your looking for that Wendy Cooling Quote on the front.
thanks Jonathan that is really helpful, it does have the wendy cooling quote so may be worth a little bit. The annoying thing is my mum was going to buy me the hardback but waited for the cheaper paperback, never mind!
what would a 3rd print, softcover Stone, the 1997 one be worth.
It is in very good shape
If it has the Wendy Cooling quote, a 3rd print softcover PS should sell around 75-125 dollars on ebay.
I am looking to buy early printing copies of Philosopher's Stone. Anything with the Wendy Cooling quote on the front. OR signed copies of Harry Potter. Please email me at eaglephot@aol.com if you are looking to sell. Thank you!
Hi. I have philosophers stone with text joanne rowling 1997, thomas taylor1997,code 201918171615141312 isbn 0747532745 paperback. Chamber of secrets 1998 first edition isbn 0747538492, 10987654. Prisoner of azkaban1999 isbn 0747542155, 109876. Goblet of fire first edition 2000 isbn 074754624x. Order of the phoenix 2003 first edition isbn 0747551006. Half blood prince 2005 first edition isbn 0747581088. Half blood prince 2005 first edition isbn 074758110x. Can you help value these?
The value of all of those books is pretty minimal. Maybe 10-15 dollars is the most valuable copy you have there. Sorry, No first prints and no early Philosophers there.
Does it make a difference that they are all bloomsbury and from great britain?
Not really for the later printings. If it is an early print Philosopher, or first print CoS or PoA there is a pretty big difference.
Does anyone know what the UK Deluxe editions are worth. I have book set 1-5 still sealed in the box the ISBN is 0747569630 and the 6th book separate (still sealed) ISBN 0747581428 also I have the Comic Relief Harry Potter School Book set in the plastic packaging (never opened) with the Hogwarts library bookplate ISBN 9780747574514. If anyone could tell me their values it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
First print UK deluxe versions of the first 3 books are quite valuable. Around 400-500 for Philosopher, 100-150 for CoS, and 700-1000 for PoA. If it is not a first print (which the sets of five were not for those books) they are worth 20-40 dollars each to the right buyer. The comic relief book averages 10-15 dollars, but being sealed you could ask 20-25 on ebay.
I would like to know if I could get some money for my book.
It's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Bloomsbury. It says at the beginning :
"This edition first published in 2000"
ISBN 0 7475 4955 9
Printed in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
Typeset by Dorchester Typesetting
109876 "
If somebody knows something about thi edition please let me know.
The book is not worth much. From the ISBN I can tell it is not a true bloomsbury hardback. If it is Ted Smart or any other version a 6th print sells for less than 20 dollars.
I have two Harry Potter books and would like a rough guess of how much they are worth.
The first one is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hardback, published 1999 ISBN 0 7475 4572 3 and the numbers at the bottom go 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . The other book is; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hardback, published 1999, ISBN 0 7475 4577 4 and the numbers at the bottom are 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Can you please tell me how much they are worth.
Are the books you have deluxe editions? Anyway, the ISBN you give matches the deluxe editions. A first deluxe bloomsbury Philosopher runs around 400-500 on ebay and a first print CoS deluxe averages around 100-150 if listed correctly.
Hello Mr/Miss/Mrs Helpful..
I have a copy og The Philosopers Stone. No idea how to value it - it has the numbers 50 49 after the last line of text on inside cover.
Also has 'Triple Smarties Winner' on the cover.
Thanks in advance for any help..
It is a 49th print and is pretty new. Worth around as much as you bought it for in the store.
Hi, I have a first edition (?!) paperback Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book. The ISBN is 0747532745. It has Joanne Rowling in rather than J.K, and there is no space between Taylor and 1997. The number at the bottom says 10 9
I wonder if you could tell me how much this would be worth roughly? Thanks
A 9th print paperback is not really worth much. Maybe as much as you bought it for.
I have a copy of Philosopher's Stone, 1st Edition, 2nd Print. Print line as follows:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
It is hardback from 1997.
Is it worth anything?
What is the quote to the front of the book?
I'm not sure what you mean.
If you mean the inside page, then it is copyrighted to Joanne Rowling 1997.
I'm not sure there is a quote on the actual front page (i don't have the book with me so I can't be 100% sure but I don't think there is...)
If you have the quote from Wendy Cooling to the very front of the book, a second print could be quite valuable. Otherwise, 2nd prints of other Philosopher Stone versions are not terribly collectible. It all depends on which version you have.
I was wondering two things. How many editions of the first Harry Potter book have been released in the UK?
The other thing is that I have a British deluxe hard cover copy of the first book. The ISBN is 9780747545729 with 20 19 18 17 across the bottom of the copyright page.
Would you be able to tell me what edition/printing this book is?
I have a paperback Philosopher's Stone that is stamped on the inside as being from Farsley Farfield Primary School and says 1997 - copyright - Joanne Rowling. It says 40,39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31... it is crimped a bit. What is this book worth?
I have a Hardback Goblet of Fire and it is signed by J.K.Rowling on the dedication page. Also with this signed First Edition is the Gold Card of a bookshop in London (Dulwich) it is in fine shape with some yellowing of the pages seen from the outside as well is a little bit on the inside of the page. Other that that it is in great shape and has it's dustjacket. Can you tell me how much it's worth? Thank You!
You have a 17th print Deluxe there. As far as different editions, for UK hardback there is Bloomsbury, Ted Smart, Large Print, Adult edition, and deluxe edition. For paperback there are many including celebratory edition, another edition of the adult with hogwarts train on the front, braille editions, signature collection editions, original bloomsbury, etc.. I am sure there are more paperback versions I am missing. Anyway, it is a big list. Hope you wanted to know about editions and did not mean print sizes or something like that.
Ally, the first paperback you list is a 31st print and not worth anything other than just to read it over again and enjoy. Your signed book could vary in price quite a bit depending on how the signature looks. Also if the gold card you mention is actually a golden train ticket for the first GoF signings, that effects the price also. You can email me at jdclar3@gmail.com Maybe I could look at pictures and tell you more.
Jonathan, I don't know what you mean by a Golden Train Ticket. The Gold Card I have was handed out by various bookshop owners and entitled the holder of the Gold Card to one book signed by J.K. Rowling. It's basically a coa.
JK Rowling did signing events for several days after the release of GoF. For several of the events she rode by train from one place in England to another and as time was limited at each stop they gave away golden tickets that look kind of like the platform 9 3/4 tickets. So, when you say gold card that went with the signing to prove COA, most collectors may assume you mean the Golden Tickets. I would have to see it to tell you for sure if you have one, but if so it can bump the price because it means your book was signed within days of the book release.
There is a ton of misinformation online, so just letting everyone know to do your research before buying. Look at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150585096444&ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT#ht_1142wt_1139
for example. The Ted Smart versions were mass produced well beyond 1,000 prints. The PS version first print can sell around 100 dollars, but CoS Ted Smart sells only for around 20-40 dollars. Pretty far from the 1,000 dollar claim the seller puts on the value. Watch out, and ask questions from experts if you don't know.
Jonathan, yes... that is what I have. The date on the Gold Card is Tuesday 18th July at The Bookshop Dulwich (London) between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Yes, I have seen golden tickets from that store before. If you search abebooks you will notice some sellers trying to sell golden ticket signed books for 1,000 to 2,000 dollars. In my experience it is rare that they ever sell for those prices. A solid ebay price is around 550 dollars. Over the past couple of years I have seen 1-2 priced BIN at 650 dollars+ that did not sell and saw 2 priced at 300-350 dollars sell right away. Anyway, if your looking to sell, I would be a buyer. Contact me via email and maybe we can work something out if you want to sell.
Jonathan, I'm watching one on eBay BIN for 1556.00. Mine is in much better shape as it has never been read. I have been researching lots of these Golden Tickets GOF and I always see them listed at 2600 to 3500 and that is the prices from the UK so that last one was listed as over 5000 dollars USD. There are 2 on Abe books... one is 2833 and the other(which looks more like mine) is 3039... I will send you pictures of mine if you give me your email so you can see for yourself and make an offer. Thanks
Ally, the ones posted on abebooks have been for sale for several years now. I think if you are looking for anything above 900 dollars for the golden ticket signed GoF, your going to be waiting quit some time. Of course that is just my experience of seeing them sell on ebay. I have seen several at 700 and 800 which were passed by with no bids or buyers.
i have a copy of hp and the sorcerer's stone american release (unsigned) with an ISBN of 0-590-35340-3 51995 and the numbers of 61 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 01 02 on the copy right page followed by printed in the U.S.A. 45 and First American edition, October 1998. it also has dust jacket printed with "ROWLING" "year 1" can anyone let me know how much this might be worth please email me at bulldog27au@gmail.com
I have a paperback Philosopher's Stone bloomsbury 0747558191 & 10987654321 is this just a common reprint ?
cheers tony
I'd like to find out the value of two Harry Potter cloth hardcover books (with cover artwork inlay).
I have a "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" which reads on the inside:
This edition first published in Great Britain in 1999
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London, W1V 5DF
Copyright J.K. Rowling 1997
Copyright Cover illustration Thomas Taylor 1997
ISBN 0 7475 4572 3
Printed in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
10 9
My "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" has on the inside:
This edition first published in Great Britain in 1999
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London, W1V 5DF
Copyright J.K. Rowling 1998
ISBN 0 7475 4577 4
Printed in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
10 9 8 7
These are later prints of the deluxe editions and can be bought for around 20 dollars each on ebay if they are mint condition.
If it doesn't have 10987654321 in the line you have a reprint.
Each number taken off represents a later edition thus 10987 means it a seventh edition and absolutely worthless.
Time and time again people ask the value of utterly worthless reprints. I put it down to the dissolution of intelligence that occurred about 13 years ago.
1098 means eight edition etc., etc.,
50 59 58 means 58th edition gerrit?
Not all later prints should be considered worthless. 2nd print hardback Bloomsbury Philosopher Stone copies are quite rare and have sold on ebay for 2,000 + dollars. Even a 3rd will average around 600 and a 4th around 100-150 dollars. Paperback Philosopher Stone 2nd prints are even quite valuable and average close to 600. In fact, on is selling on ebay right now with ten bids up to 300 dollars so far.
Jonathan, I need to sell my signed first edition Harry Potter Goblet of Fire with the Golden Ticket ASAP... I will take 750 for it but I need to sell it by tomorrow morning (Monday the 16th) and I can ship it out so that you get it next day (if you are in the US) I will pay for the ship and like I said I will ship it next day. This offer is good to anyone. 750 includes next day USA shipping. Payment is thru Paypal instant pay only. If anyone is interested then give me your email address and I will send you my paypal info. I used to be a seller on eBay so if you want to check out my buyer responses then it shakespearejr2004... Thanks! Ally
The price is ok, but I am not a buyer at 750. I am sure given time, you can sell it close to that on ebay. Around the 600 dollar level should sell right away if you list it as buy it now. Good luck.
I have a signed copy of The Philosopher's Stone with J.K. Rowling,s signature. It is hard copy. Published in Canada in 2000 by Raincoast Books. The last numbers on the bottom of the page are 10 9 8 7?
Hi, I have paperback harry potter and the philosopher's stone book. It has the code ISBN 0 7475 3269 9 and the code at the bottom of the page is 40 39. The bottom of the front cover says "Winner of the 1997 Smarties Gold Award." The back cover has the ISBN number with Bloomsbury logo and price of 4.99 pound.
Just wondering if it's worth something. Thanks in advance!
As a 39th print, it is worth the price you paid. If you read it, it is worth less than that.
Hi I have an early edition of Harry potter and the philosphers stone with a black and white picture of a train on the front, published in 1998, fourth edition I think it reads 10987654. Is it worth anything? Thanks
Hello! My copy of the Philosophers Stone has 10 9 8 under the copyright notice. Can anyone tell me what this means?
Hi , I have a first edition philosophers stone which even has the rare typing error inside , with "boy" spelt as "bo". The book has been well read and is not in perfect condition. How much do you reckon it is worth and how would I go abouts selling it?
i have a harry potter and the philosophers stone book from bloomsbury the isbn is 0-7475-3274-5 the reviews are from the guardian and wendy cooling, the name inside is joanne rowling and the cover art by thomas taylor, on the back is dumbledore with short brown hair looking young, it has on the bottom "winner of the 1997 smarties gold award" could anyone value this and email back to me asap on afulton2010@hotmail.co.uk thanks
In response to the last 4 posts:
To Anonymous: You have a 4th print Adult edition worth about what you paid for it as a reading copy.
To giveitsomepizazz: You have an 8th print. Only if it is a bloomsbury edition and not Ted Smart or some other edition would it be only slightly. Maybe 35 dollars if it is hardback. Not much if paperback.
To BexyBox and anthony.f:
I need more info. What is the numberline on the bottom of the copyright? Hardback or paperback? Bloomsbury, Ted Smart, of Raincoast editions? etc....
hi , i have some harry potter books all hard backed in great condition like new with dust covers , the first one is harry potter and the chamber of secrets , on the copyright page the book was pruduced for the book people ltd , copy right 1998 j.k rowling , numbers ISBN1-85613-612-4
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
can you tell me how much this is worth ?
I really know nothing about this but I'll try inform you on all I can see on Philosopher stone...
ISBN 0-7475-5819-1
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed by Clays
This edition first published in 2001
Price 5,99
Paid 25 p so hope it not less at least ;-)
The ISBN 0-7475-5819-1 is a celebratory edition. They are not particularly valuable even for a first print. More of something simply to say you have one in your Collection. They can regularly be bought for around 5 dollars on ebay
For the Ted Smart Version Chamber of Secrets 3rd print ISBN 85613-612-4: This is not really valuable or collectible. It is more of a reading copy or to sale simply for someone else to read.
I have a hardback w/ dustcover Philosopher's Stone. UK edition
It has a banner on the bottom of both dustcover and book "Triple smarties gold award winner"
The numbers it has are from 30 to 23
How much would you guess it is worth?
You have a 23rd print with the older version of Dumbledore on the back. Not really worth much other than its reading value. Maybe 10 dollars.
Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me what edition mine is-
ISBN 0 7475 3274 5
40 39 38 37
I've got a second edition philosophers stone,1st edition chamber of secrets and 1st edition prisoner of azkaban. Would they be worth much?
Sorry my philosophers stone is also first edition bit second print. Would they be worth anything?
James, As far as the books being a first edition, that does not mean much to collectors. What is important is to know what the numberline is on the copyright page (I.E. what print is the book) and also the ISBN number and maybe a description in order for us to know which version of a particular book you have. Are they US or UK versions? Is it a trade edition or some 3rd party book club edition? Maybe it is a later celebratory anniversary edition? The US book club editions can have the same ISBN and print numberline as the trade edition, but the devil is in the details in order to know if you have a 1,000 dollar or a 20 dollar book. Point is, by saying it is a 1st edition, I can't attempt to give you a value. The range can be from a few bucks to tens of thousands of dollars.
For those of you interested, check out
I'll try to add content each week or so, but it is simply a different way for collectors to communicate and see photos to go along with descriptions.
Hi, just wanted to know if this was worth any thing
isbn: 0747532745
copyright: Joanne Rowling
Illustration: Thomas Taylor
number run: 20 19 18 17 16 15
has a gold award winner smartie
I have a prisoner of azkaban that says
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Isbn: 1-85613-617-5
Would it be worth much
You have a 1st print Ted Smart version. For PoA, this book is not worth a whole lot. Maybe 20 - 30 dollars. Some sellers on ebay will try to trick buyers into buying this book or the CoS Ted Smart version for hundreds of dollars with false claims as to their rarity. This happens particularly at movie time. It can be readily bought at the 20-30 dollar price though. The first print Philosopher Stone Ted Smart version is really the only one of real value. You can pick up a PS 1st Ted Smart for around 100-150 dollars. (Again there are sellers who sell these for 500+ with false claims as to "unseen errors".)
My son has a 1st Edition of 'the Philisopher's Stone' which looks like it is a 3rd print (with the numbers 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 on the inside).
It has a different 'Dumbledore' picture on the back and the ISBN numbers ISBN 0-7475-3269-9 above the bar code and the numbers 9 780747 532699 below it.
It isn't signed but it has a cover and is in very good condition - never read! Any idea how much this is worth?!
Finally, after many posts of later versions and book club editions, it looks like you have a winner. From what you have told me, you do have a more valuable book on your hands. Your true Bloomsbury hardback edition in mint state with the dust jacket will sale on ebay at a minimum price of 300-400 dollars. A true 4th print recently sold for 220 dollars. Given the current demand and fact that a 3rd print has not shown up on ebay in a while I think you could ask close to the 600-800 dollar range (maybe more if 2 buyers are in a bidding war). So, take lots of pictures, post it on ebay at a low auction start price, and watch the money roll in.
My Harry potter and the philosopher's stone is a first edition 6th printing (10 9 8 7 6) hardback. How much is it roughly worth ?
It also has a picture of a different dumbledore on the ground and has ISBN 1-85613-403-2 above the barcode as well as being first edition 6 th printing so how much is it roughly worth ?
ISBN 1-85613-403-2 is a Ted Smart version. Similar to a book club edition. Typically, a 1st print can be bought fro 100-150 dollars. Recently, several 1sts have sold on ebay for 400+ dollars (this is a very extreme price caused by the movie frenzy and by new collectors who may not realize how common the book is). Anyway, a 6th print Ted Smart can be regularly bought for around 10 dollars. More of a reading copy in my opinion.
I'm not sure whether i have an early edition of the Philosopher's Stone. On the back there is a different wizard and in the blurb in mentions harry being rescued by an owl. All the dates inside say 1997 the number is 403938373635. Is it special??
What you have is a 35th print. It is a later edition and not particularly valuable. Of course, at least 2 prints later than this have sold on ebay for 200 dollars in the last month. Some sellers like to talk about "unseen errors" and talk about how rare the young wizard and Joanne Rowling rather than JK on the Copyright page is. In reality, while the young wizard is on earlier prints it is not all that rare and can be found up till the 17th print hardback and much later prints in the paperback. In general, prints later than 20th print can easily be bought for around 10 dollars. Don't be fooled by everyone on ebay who says they have a super rare book.
I am curious. I have an unread copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Alas it is not the Printed in the U.S.A. 23 version.
7 9 10 8 8 9/9 0/0 01 02
Instead it is Printed in the U.S.A. 37
First American edition, October 1998
Is it worth anything?
Thank you for your time!
I have "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" Canadian edition. 20 19 18 17 16 15. The copyright is Joanne Rowling. Not worth much?
Also have a few Canadian first editions on the later books that were published as environmentally friendly. Worth anything (aside from how much fun they are)?
I have Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Illustrated by Mary GrandPre, 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13, 9/9, 0/0 1 2 3 4. "First American Edition Oct 1999"
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